The Motion

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A few days had passed and Bianca remained in the solitude of her penthouse.  The video of her being kicked out of Aubrey's private event went viral and soon showed up on gossip blogs such as BallerAlert and TheShadeRoom.  Embarrassed to even go outside she decided to take the elevator downstairs to the main lobby for dinner. She sat at the bar and ordered her usual meal and paired it with a margarita.  It felt as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders.  Ever since she woke up from her coma, her world suddenly began to spiral down.  Sometimes she wishes that she never woke up. As she took a sip of her drink she could hear a familiar voice echoing in the distance.


She had a date with him.  She was a petite unnatural blonde haired woman whom seemed to be a model or an actress.  Even though their relationship ended sour Bianca still had strong feelings for him.  There was no possible way she couldn't leave the restaurant without him seeing her. 

The waiter had finally came back with her food and placed it in front of her.

"Enjoy your meal ma'am."

"Oh, wait before you leave can I get the check and a to go box please...I must've lost my appetite." Bianca nervously tells the waiter.

"It's no problem.  I'll box this food for you and I'll be back with the check."

The waiter soon leaves with her plate for her to take to go.  While waiting for the waiter Bianca finishes up her margarita and pulls out her phone to check her notifications. 

Ten minutes later Bianca gathers her things and attempts to leave the restaurant but is soon interrupted when she hears someone call her name.

"Bianca?  Is that you?" Dwayne asked.

"Uh, yeah but I was just leaving.."

"I haven't seen you since..." Dwayne clears his throat.  "I hope you're okay.  I never meant those words I said about you, I was mad and upset-" He trails.

"You know what it's fine.  I just hope you treat her better than the way you treated me.  I forgave you a long time ago.  I should really get going.  It looks like you're doing well you're doing great actually so don't worry about me I'll be okay." 

"Honey, who is this and why is she interrupting our dinner?" Dwayne's girlfriend asked.

"This is Bianca, she's my ex fiancé. Bianca this is Diane, Diane Bianca."

"It truly is a displeasure to meet you and goodbye. Oh and before I leave make sure you order more than a salad it looks like you could use a sandwich or two." Bianca smirks and waves. "Bye!"

Bianca gives him a small smile and leaves to get onto the elevator.  A tall red haired, green eyed, light skinned young man, entered the elevator just in time before it had closed.  He fixed his African print cardigan and checked the time on his phone.  There was a comfortable silence in the room for a brief moment.

"You know, you're too beautiful to be sad."  The stranger said.

"How can you tell that I'm sad?" Bianca looked at him as if he were crazy but in all actuality she was depressed but shook it off when she was in front of people.

"Your energy was strong when I stepped into this room.  I can tell there's a lot going on with you and I'm no therapist but, I can just sense it coming from you."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?  And so what if I'm sad okay this whole fucking year has been complete shit anyway.  I'm just taking it day by day."

"I'm Jidenna,  I just moved in this place not that long ago...but i was serious when I said that you are beautiful. I don't know what's bothering you, but keep your head up. It gets easier day by day."

The elevator opens on the 9th floor and he soon steps out and waves.

"See you later." Jidenna then smiles and leaves to go to his penthouse suite.


A couple of months had elapsed and Aubrey sat in the studio of his home at the soundboard playing back a track that he had recorded for his next album.   He had truly fucked up.  Bianca was all that he could think about ever since the altercation that happened at the nightclub. He tried calling and texting her but she wouldn't pick up.  But, who could blame her?  He not only embarrassed her publicly but he had kicked her out on the street when she needed him the most.  He poured himself a shot of Virginia Black whiskey and let his drunken thoughts invade his mind and soul. 

He opened up his champagne colored iPhone and checked his Instagram.  While on the app he decided to go to Bianca's profile and go through her pictures from the last few months and liked quite a few of them.  He stumbled across a photo of her and Jidenna.  They were at a formal event for his record label the caption read, "@WorldofBianca: date night ❤️@Jidenna" Aubrey then clicks his profile and sees pictures and videos of Bianca across his Instagram page.  She looked happy.  He shut off his phone and rubbed his hands across his face.

"Yo, Aubrey I was looking for you I thought you'd be here."  Chubbs entered the room holding an invitation that he received in the mail.  "I think you should take a break and eat something your body looks like it could use some food."

Aubrey notices an invitation with Bianca's name on it in Chubbs hand. 

"What is that in your hand?"

"Oh this's nothing.  Nothing really, hey why don't we go uh, get something to eat.  I could go for some hibachi."  Chubbs slightly laughs.

Aubrey takes the invitation from Chubbs' hand and reads it to himself.

"You're invited to Bianca's Birthday bash.  You and a plus one guest." 

Chubbs scratches the back of his head. 

"I don't think you were supposed to see that." 

"Why not? I mean I've known her for a very long time.  How come I wasn't invited it's in a couple of weeks-"

"I don't think she wants you there.  It's her birthday and the last time she saw you, you were extremely rude to her so again why do you think you should be invited?"

"That's besides the point I've been trying to get in contact with her for the past few months and she hasn't answered my calls, texts, DMs...I made a public statement about the video apologizing on my behalf and she still doesn't want to talk to me.  I don't know what more I-wait.  I have an idea."

"What are you trying to say?  You have that smug look on your face like you're plotting something."

"Let me be your plus one to her party." 

"What? No.  No, nope." Chubbs drinks some of his beer. "Are you fucking crazy? This could only end up badly. I am not taking you to her party."

"Come on, please!  Look it'll just be to apologize to her in person and look if I act out then we can leave I just want to show her how truly sorry I am and I just want to meet this new boyfriend of hers." 

"How do you know she has a boyfriend?  Have you been snooping on her Instagram again?" Chubbs laughs. 

"I'll double your pay for the rest of the year." Aubrey sighs.

"Done and done.  I was going to let you be my Plus one anyways but thanks for the pay increase my man." Chubbs laughs as he leaves the room with Aubrey.  "Come on a motherfucker is hungry my nigga."

Aubrey rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys and wallet before heading out with Chubbs.

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