way 2

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everything seemed to be moving in a blur.

the doors of the hallway rushed past and the numbers on them seem to slide into one another.

adrenaline was speeding through him.

all he could focus on was the beat of his heart in his throat.

and the feeling of your hands in his.

golden numbers and brown doors.

your hair and the white of your grin.

the sound of your giggle and breath in his ear.

and the sound of a lock turning.

your back was suddenly against the door.

you could feel the cool surface against your back and his lips against yours.

he tangled his hands in your hair as he locked his lips tighter into hers.

a sigh escaped your lips when their the both of you parted.

his hands slid slowly down from your hair to your neck, then to the small of your back.

when jimin pulled apart, you glanced at him through the dark.

the pink tints on your cheeks were obvious.

he smirked.

you blushed harder.

just how much can this one man do to you?

he pressed his forehead against you and kissed your nose lightly.

you scrunched your nose at the feeling, resulting in a small chuckle from jimin.

then his eyes locked with yours again.

you licked your lips and his eyes dropped to your mouth at the movement.

"get over here," he whispered.

he pulled your body against his.

you pressed forward and managed to get him to take a step back from the door.

your lips slightly parted and he could feel the cool breeze brush the corner from his mouth.

he breathed out words that he kept deep inside him.

it was a faint sound.

it was so faint that it seemed to rush past you and melt into the surrounding air.

he ran a hand through your hair and pulled you close to him, your lips connecting once again.

you felt his breath against you.

you wondered if he had said something.

he continued to kiss you, pulling your thoughts back to the kiss.

he breathed into your mouth again,

"i love you"

you tried to figure if he had spoken and what he had said.

but in your hazy state, his whispers were just like a breath.

a breath he continued to shower on you for the rest of the night.


2. sigh it into her mouth, wedged between teeth and tongues. don't even let your lips move when you say it, ever so lightly, into the air. maybe it was just an exhalation of ecstasy.
- r. mckinley

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