way 8

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the soft chiming of the bell coming from the top of the entrance door got his attention.

you rushed into the small coffee shop, brushing your hair in a desperate attempt to make it look presentable.

you scanned the crowd and soon saw him sitting at your usual spots.

at the small round wooden table at the back of the cafe.

you made your way over to see that he has already ordered himself a cup of coffee.

you apologized for being late and he shook his head, indicating that it was fine.

you placed your order and finally relaxed, taking in your surroundings.

the coffee shop was warmly lit with a pinkish undertone.

there were not many people but distinct chattering from other tables could still be heard above the soft humming of music playing in the background.

overall, it was comfortable.

there was a ripple in his coffee that quickly spread and sloshed against the side of his coffee mug.

he looked up and noticed that just like him, you had noticed it too.

he laughed softly and you smiled at him.

little things like this brought happiness to the both of you.

simple dates like this held more meaning to the both of you.

he lifted the mug to his mouth and closed his eyes as the dark, bitter liquid spilled into his mouth.

as quickly as he could without burning his tongue, he finished the drink.

you asked him if it was good and he nodded.

he then told you a joke that made you laugh and you followed suit by telling him another joke you heard from another bangtan member.

your drink came and you took in the sweet aroma of the hot chocolate.

you sipped on your hot drink tenderly as he stared at you with such adoration in his eyes.

you put down your drink and wiped your mouth with the corners of your sleeve.

you looked outside the window of the coffee shop.

it was quite early in the afternoon and many people were walking up and down the street outside.

it was peaceful.

suddenly, you heard him clear his throat.

you gave him a questioning look.

he took a deep breath and said,

"i love you"

you were in shock and you could feel your cheeks heating up and your heart thumping rapidly in your chest.

you avoided his eyes by taking another sip of your warm drink.

he started to worry.

had he done something wrong?

had he scared you?

the confidence that he previously had was slowly disappearing.

he mentally cursed himself.

how could he had been so stupid.

he didn't regret it though.

it was true and he was not ashamed to admit it.

therefore, part of him felt relieved.

he had actually been planning to say those 3 words for a long time, he just wanted to make sure it was the perfect time.

the way the coffee shop seemed to set the mood for a peaceful environment.

how you looked so contented as you sipped on your hot chocolate as you stared out into the beautiful scenery.

how your eyes sparkled from the sunlight coming in through the window and how your cheeks were a rosy pink.

these small details reminded him why he fell for you.

to him, this moment was perfect.

his gaze dropped to the empty coffee mug in front of it as he wrapped both hands around it.

he didn't know how to react to your reaction.

he felt your warm hand on his and broke his gaze from the mug.

he looked up and was greeted by your smiling face.

he raised one eyebrow.

why the sudden act of affection?

you drew in a small breath before telling him,

"i love you too"


8. say it deliberately, your tongue a springboard for every syllable. over coffee, brushing your teeth side-by-side, as you turn off the light to go to sleep - it doesn't matter where. do not adorn it with extra words like "i think" or "i might". do not sigh heavily as if admitting it were a burden instead of the most joyous thing you've ever done. look her in the eyes and pray, heart thumping wildly, that she will turn to you and say, "i love you too".
- r. mckinley

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