way 3

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he checked the watch on his hand again, avoiding eye contact with everyone walking past.

he was dressed in a white tuxedo and all he could think of was how he looked like a gift shop with a box of chocolates tucked under his arm and a bouquet of flowers in his other hand.

he looked up from his watch and smiled when he saw a familiar face running towards him.

"sorry i'm late," you breathed, "traffic," you laughed while rolling your eyes.

"yeah," he chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.

why was he so nervous?

he passed his presents to you.

you took them graciously, "thank you."

he put his arm out for you.

"shall we?" he asked as he ushered towards the restaurant in front of them.

"we shall," you replied as you took his arm.

the waiter brought the couple to your reserved table.

"whenever you're ready," he said as he handed you guys your menus.

you glanced up from your menu and took quick glances at him.

namjoon's fringe was falling in his face. the light from the candle flickered off the deep brown of his hair. the colours shifting had you entranced.

"have you decided?" he asked you, propping his chin on top of his hands as he locked eyes with you.

you nodded and ordered.

namjoon glanced around the restaurant and noticed all the people sitting around the both of you.

he made eye contact with an elderly couple and gave them a small smile.

he was suddenly nervous.

he tugged at his collar and adjusted the tie that was loosely tied around his neck.

he made eye contact with the couple again.

the elderly man gave him a warm smile and gave him a "go ahead" motion.

he glanced at the bouquet of flowers and then back at you. he was sure the couple must have thought that he was going to do something more than he had planned.

he couldn't blame them though.

the presents he had given you.

the atmosphere of the restaurant.

now would have been the perfect timing for a marriage proposal. that is, if he was actually proposing.

from the corner of his eye, he could see the elder couple giddily nudging each other, making him feel a little more nervous.

this should be easy.

he was just going to voice out his thought.

he was just going to express how he really felt about you.

something he's always known.

he smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.

he held out his hand and you put your hand in his, while giving him a questioning look.

"i love you" he voiced.

your cheeks turned pink.

you opened your mouth to reply but was cut off by laughter coming from the elderly couple.

the older man locked eyes with him and gave him a thumbs up.

you blushed even harder.

those three words said, to you, were sweeter than the chocolates he had gave and sweeter than the smell of the bouquet of flowers.

they were just as sweet as the smile across the table from you.


3. buy her flowers. buy her chocolates. buy her a teddy bear, because that's what every romantic comedy has taught you. take her out to a nice restaurant where neither of you feel comfortable and spend the whole night clearing your throat and tugging at your tie. feel like your actions are more suited to a proposal than the simple confession of something you've always known.
- r. mckinley

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