Chapter 14

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Justin, was the only hung on my mind. I was in the house alone, my mom was on her way home, and she'd be back tomorrow. Grandma's funeral already happened, so I missed it.

Justin was acting awfully weird lately. I don't know whether because it was of me, Selena, or Julie. Plan Revenge sorta crumbled into pieces, because Julie had stopped wearing the wire and glasses. It didn't bother me, because Justin was slowly coming back into my life.

But I can't keep the baby a secret. I have to tell Justin the truth. Ariana was here helping me figure it out what to do, and we agreed on her making him come over, and me telling him the truth straight out. She left to go get Justin, but I wasn't ready. I wanted to do it another day, or at least let him figure out on his own. And Julie was making me tell the truth about her, because she had to go back to wherever she lived to finish college.

Beep! Beep!

Oh my god, here we go! I went to open the door, and Justin walked in with Ariana behind him. She stayed outside, and Justin looked at me. "What's going on? I was watching P-you know what, it really isn't important."

"You were watching Pretty Little Liars, I'm not stupid." I smirked, and kept standing on the stairs. It was quiet, until I spoke up again. "Justin, it's hard to tell you this, because I don't know what your reaction will be,"

"What? What do you have to tell me?" He asked, more curious than furious.

"I'm not pregnant." I sighed. "I'm not pregnant, Audrey's real name is Julie, Connor isn't my boyfriend, Julie was acting the whole time because she hates your guts, and she wanted revenge for what you did to me. Julie is Brian's cousin, and she left Canada to go back to her hometown to finish college, and I'm sorry. She was wired the whole time, that's why I was always a step ahead of you, and again, I'm sorry. Don't yell at me?"

It literally took him almost a minute to process what I just said. "So, Audrey was Julie's fake name? And she was pretending crying in the freezing cold for an act?!" he exclaimed.

"I said don't yell at me!" I exclaimed back, and sat on the steps. It's been a week since I came back from the hospital, but my head is still a little dizzy. When I get the stitches taken out, it should stop.

"How can I not, and I was being watched the whole time I thought I had a friend, the whole time I thought I was a father!? The whole time I was catching feelings for someone who was lying to me the whole time! Both of you!"

He just admitted feelings for both Julie and I, and I don't think he noticed. "You-You want a kid?" I asked.

"It's kind of obvious of how pissed I was when I thought Connor was going to be raising my child instead of me."

"Justin, before you leave, tell me something?" I asked, and he looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm serious. Why did you agree to dating Selena for publicity?"

"I don't know, it was the spur of the moment I guess!?"

"Wow, it was a fucking question. Damn." I turned my back toward him, and stomped up the steps. Once I got into my room, I slammed the door shut, and sat in my bed. I understand he's mad about what I told him, but he doesn't have to be so damn rude about it!

"Aubrey, I'm sorry. I'm just so mad and confused about what you told me. That's a whole lot of new information." He knocked in the door softly, and walked in. It's been a month since he's been in here, and I guarantee the only thing different is my bed spread. "I'm sorry."

When someone gets me mad, I stay mad. Justin's different, but I'm still mad at him for yelling at me when I asked him nicely not to yell at me. "Gosh, forgive him already so I can get him home before Scooter wakes up!" Ariana yelled.

"Fine, I forgive you." I muttered, and he started walking out. Ariana walked up, and shook her head. "What?"

"Scooter told Justin to stay here over night if he can be cause there is loads of paparazzi outside of his house." Ariana sighed, scrolling through her phone. Justin causally walked downstairs. Ariana smiled widely at me.

"Jurey is so going to be back together soon!" She happily skipped away, and her foot steps ended with a slam of the door. I walked downstairs, and Justin was watching Pretty Little Liars. It's one that I've already watched, since I'm waiting for the new one in October.

There was a knock on the door, and I opened it to Ryan. "What the hell happened these past weeks? Selena came stampeding in my house telling me you were in a coma, Justin played her, and all this other stuff!?" Ryan exclaimed, looking at me wide-eyed.

"Are you and Justin friends?" I asked.

"No, not after what he did to you. Za, Twist, and Chaz don't like him either." Woah, all his friends turned on him just because he broke up with me. Not something you'd expect, but okay. "Wait, why?"

"Because he's here." I said.

"I don't care, I'm just here to see if you're okay."

"I'm fine." I grinned, knowing that he came all they way across town to check up on me. "Now go home, it's getting late."


Justin was sleeping on the couch, and he looked uncomfortable. Honestly, I wanted to tell him to go sleep in my bed, but I don't want to lay next to him. Yeah, Connor and I weren't a couple and we were laying up next to each other. With Justin and I it would be awkward and wrong.

I know I still love him, but I refuse to be with him. I'm trying my best to get over him, and it's not working if he keeps, somehow, getting closer in my life.

Right now, I was sitting on the recliner, staring at Justin stirring in his spot. It's only 1am nothing creepy at all. I'm just not tired, and I'm making Ramen noodles right now. "Aubrey?" Justin asked.

"Hmm?" I hummed, and he turned to look at me.

"Do you hate me?"


"I had a dream," he sighed. "That you were pregnant, a-and you wouldn't let me see my child because you hated me, and a whole bunch of other stuff I don't remember. Do you hate me?"

"I'm not sure how I feel about you right now." I said honestly. "Before all this happened, I hated you, and right after I helped you with your anxiety attack, I honestly don't know what I feel now."

"You still hate me don't you? When we were in the diner and you were singing with that girl, and you came over. Our legs crossed, and you didn't even do anything." He pointed out.

"Yeah, because I was talking to Selena." Lies. Lies. Lies.

"Yeah, okay." Justin muttered, and sat up. He cracked his neck, disturbingly , and kicked off his shoes. They way he laid back down made me feel bad about watching him sleep on the couch.

"Justin, you can sleep in my bed." I sighed. I'll just sleep in my mom's bed. Luckily, she changed the sheets after what had happened between her and Mark. He looked at me, and I nodded. "Go. I'll sleep in my mom's room."

Justin got up, and walked upstairs.


As soon as I laid on the bed, all the memories of us popped in my head. The cuddling, the kissing, the movies, the stupid tears we've share during sad movies. When I got under the purple blankets, Aubrey came in.

I closely watched as she grabbed pajamas. They were my white shirt that she splatter painted, short shorts, fluffy socks, and lingerie. When she finished eating, she had gotten everything he needed to get in the shower.

She left out, and I shut off the lamp. There's no doubt that she doesn't hate me. She hates me more than she hates Miley Cyrus, and that's not a lie. I'm surprised she didn't start a rumor about Cyrus already. I could hear Aubrey talking from outside of her room.

"Oh hey Mason-oh wait! What are you doing?!"


Sorta cliffhanger, lol. I really don't like cliffhangers myself, so I try not to use them in my sorry!

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