Chapter 24

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Justin was screwing with my mind. It wasn't just him, it was me too. I live him, and he admitted he loved me too. What I'm so confused about is why I told him I wanted to wait for the relationship. Like, we could've kept on the DL, and not have done anything in public.

"How ya feelin'?" Annabelle asked, after I explained to her what Justin and I talked about. Not exactly every detail, but how we kissed and all that other jazz. "Justin brought up the vacation in Florida when he was on the phone. Are you still going?"

"I'm feeling great," I answered her first question. "And, I don't know. He didn't invite me so I guess it's a no."

"I'm going to scare you like I did yesterday if you don't call him."

"Alright, alright." I searched for my phone in my purse and pulled it out. Justin's number was on speed dial, so when I called, he immediately answered. There was music blaring, and my stomach churned remembering that this how our last phone call together started. "J-Justin?"

"Yeah," the music was dialed down. "Sorry, Alfredo likes to blast music in my car."

"I was wondering if you're still going to Miami? My mom is staying in Ohio helping my family with my Grandma's house and stuff. I-"

"You can come to Miami with me." A smiled appeared on mine and Annabelle's face. Annabelle took the phone, and she smiled wider.

"While you're at Miami, mind bringing me back something?" Annabelle asked, and I heard Justin laugh. He answered her question, and she gave back the phone. "Ask when he's leaving "

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"I was planning on leaving tomorrow, but if we hurry and pack we could probably leave today."

"Is it just we or we as in a group?" I asked, and he chuckled. What's funny?!

"It's just we."



Annabelle's family came, and so I left. Justin offered to pick me up after he dropped Alfredo off. When I walked outside of the hospital, a big blow of air and leaves nearly knocked me down. My beanie flew off, and so I grabbed it off the ground, my hair flying everywhere.

"Come on Klutz!" Justin helped me up, and walked me to the car. He opened and closed the door for me, and he got in the drivers side. "That's your new nickname."

"Call me it on a regular basis and I will-"

"Cut my balls off and shove them up my ass. I already know." He smirked, and pulled off quickly. Justin was quick to drive, and so I out my seatbelt on, even though I
despise them. "We could invite Ariana and Jai if you want?"

"Ariana started her tour, she can't." I said and he nodded. It was quiet most of the ride, until he turned the corner to my house. Connor was just walking past the car, and scowled at me. "Connor, why are you mad at me?" I got out the car.

"You used me." He grumbled, and continued walking.

"In New York, no I wasn't. That kiss outside of the hotel maybe it was, but everything else was real." I said, and he slowed down his pace. "I swear."

"Plan Revenge flushed down the toilet because you're back with him now? That just makes me feel a lot better!" Connor yelled in my face, and I turned around. Justin's mouth was gaped open, and he started walking toward Connor.

"Justin, don't hit him." I whispered, scared he might do it.

"I won't."

"What are you going to do?" Connor tried toughening up, and failed miserably.

"That's not a way to treat a girl." Justin retorts.

"Says you, heartbreaker."

Justin looked at me, and my eyes pleaded for him not to do it. "Call me whatever you want. Being another hater just gets me more famous, so hate me all you want." Justin turned to be the bigger person, and turned around. Connor rolled his eyes, and Justin balled his fist.

"You're so lucky I love you, or I would've been hit him."

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