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How can you possibly say to someone that  their fiancé is cheating on them. This hasn't happened to me, yet again, I've never had a boyfriend.  Sad, I know. Still, I went back to my room to think on how you tell your best friend, not to mention crush since high school, that  his soon to be wife is cheating. A knock on the door interrupted my mental crisis.

"Do we even know if she is truly cheating? Is there any evidence?"

I just stood there, dumb folded at what Savannah had just said. It's true, we have no evidence that proves that she is a cheater, just our intuition. I mean, in high school she did cheat on many, if not all, of her "special friends". But other than that, we have nothing.

"Still, what do I do Sav?" I ask practically chewing on my bottom lip. I only do it when I'm nervous and only know so because Kyle was the one who noticed it. Sav just saw the broken or swollen lip and asked if I got some action.

"Oh sweetie, are you really asking that?" Sav said walking towards me and putting her hand on my shoulder. "Just leave the stalking to this girl," pointing at herself with both her  thumbs. "Watcha need? Dead cat's name? Social security number? Blood type? Mother's maiden name?"

"Ok, first, I won't ask how you could possibly gain that information" I said lifting my index finger as if I was counting. She was going to say something but I cut her off "ah ah ah ah, I said I wasn't going to ask nor need know. Second thing, how about we focus on figuring out if she is truly cheating, capishe?"

She nodded and left my  room sprinting. I just walked to my bed and let gravity take its course. Once the back of my head encountered the soft pillow, i began rubbing my temples and thinking about the possibility that Cara is already cheating on Kyle, and they aren't even married yet! He doesn't deserve a wife like that. He is so kind and hard worker and always happy, he shouldn't be with Cara. This would break him and that isn't fair to him. I've only seen him cry once, when I told him I was moving, and it broke my heart. I wasn't going to let that Cara hurt him. 

The sound of stuff being shuffled around interrupted my thoughts, so I look up and find Savannah with a pack of Oreo cookies, one already stuffed in her mouth, shuffling stuff in my desk.

"What are you doing, Sav?" I asked confused at her actions.

"mhooophing pho nuer comphupher" Shebanswered, still gripping the box of Oreos like her life depended on it. I can't blame her, if they fall in my mess, they won't ever be found again. I'm a messy person for as long as I can remember.

"Ok, this time answer when you don't have food on your mouth" I answered in a sarcastic tone that won me a death stare from her.

After she finished her cookie she answered again "Looking for your computer. Imma start the stalking", still looking through my mess "Shai, have you heard the word ORGANIZED? You should try being so."

"I know what that is, but," extending the 'u' sound as I laid back down on my bed, "I'm too lazy. And my computer is on my night stand." I answered back after reaching for it then extending my laptop to her. She gave me a sarcastic smile and threw a cookie at my chest and grabbed the laptop. "You are very welcomed" was all I said with a sarcastic smile of my own.

She sat down next to me and started on her Facebook. Her fingers started flying throughout the keyboard and pages popping on the screen. I swear she has a double identity as a hacker or something. It was so fast I just saw fragments of the screens, from messages to emails to posts.

"Sav, is this legal?"

Without taking her eyes off the screen "Sure, if that helps you sleep at night. Totally legal." My jaw just dropped at what she just said. I had to stand up and pace around the room. "Anyways, who could be 'K BOO' kiss face and ring emoji?"

"Uh, Kyle?" I answered back confused.

"Ok, then who could be 'cal-good-time' wink with tounge out emoji" she asked showing me the laptop.

"Shut up, you just made that up." I said as I walked to the laptop to read if that was true.

"Nope, that's her messages, but through another app" she said crossing, well, trying to cross her arms on her chest due to her friends being on her way, so she just folds her arms under them.

I sat down next to her, holding the laptop this time. "So she is cheating on Kyle" I said, swiping through the many, not PG-13 messages with this 'Joey-good-time'. Who even names a contact like that?   "Who do you think he is? Could we know him?" I asked incredulous looking at Savannah.

"I don't know" she said holding her arms up, "I barely know her, how am I supposed to know who she hangs out with. Maybe from work, or an old friend? Just think of anyone who could be named 'Joey' or any name close to it"

I sighed "Ok, I'm gonna see if anyone at work is named like that or if Kyle knows anyone. I can't believe she is doing this to Kyle. Why would she do this?" I half asked half screamed.

"'Cause she is a vicious viper from hell that guys like to look cause she is really thin but has a nice butt. no boobs, but a butt. And she doesn't need a second date to end up in their beds. It's simple Shai." Savannah said laying in bed throwing my pillow up in the air and catching it back again. She never stopped looking at it while she said all that. Now that is courage. I was about to answer when my phone rang with a text message. Her eyes darted to me and my pillow fell on top of her head. It would have been a sin if I didn't laugh, which earned me my pillow being thrown at me.

"What's with you and throwing stuff?" I laughed on the floor as I crawled to my phone.

"Is it, how did you used to call him..?" She stopped to think a little, changing positions in bed to laying on her abdomen, holding her head on her hands and swinging her legs behind her "Oh, right, DIMPLES?" she said stretching every syllable of the word looking at me with her piercing blue eyes and with a mischievous smile showing her perfect teeth.

"Oh shut up!" was all I could say before turning as red as a tomato. I could feel my cheeks and ears burning up as I avoided her look. I look down at my phone.

*Hey Shai. I finish my shift in a couple of hours and Cara has an "all niter" again. I'm having a get together at home with some friends, wanna join? :D*

I felt my heart flutter with joy as I read the message to Sav.  She gabbed another pillow from behind her and looked back at me, "If you don't answer, you are getting another pillow tossed at you"

I smiled as I answered back

*Sure, text me the info (:*

"Now, " Savannah said standing up from my bed and walking to my closet. She pulled her long, curly, honey color hair into a really messy bun right before opening the doors to the walk in closet, "what will you wear?" she said with a smirk on her face.  

Oh God... This won't be good...

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