Hello Hospital

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Today is the beginning of my new life. Thats what I think as I enter through the huge automatic doors of the hospital revealing its white and baby blue colors. There are chairs and booths here and there and a few plants to make the place feel alive. The smell of clean surfaces fill my nose. The cold air against my skin makes me chill.

"I can't belive im still not used to the freezing AC here." I say to myself.

I make my way towards the front dest to ask directions to "peds".

"Third floor, left wing of the hospital" the woman said with a big smile pointing to the elevator at the end of the room. I was making my way to the elevator when something caught my attention: coffee cart. As the coffee addict I am, I had to try it.

"One regular coffee, please"

The man hands me my coffee and I give him the money and continue on.

The front of the elevator was just like a normal elevator, metal. But the back of it was in crystal, getting a perfect view of the hospital and my reflection. My long hair, that passes my mid back but didnt reach my butt, in its natural caramel color with natural high-lights brought out my hazel eyes that changed from green to hazel and sometimes, yellow. I decided to put it in a high-pony tail to keep it out of my face. I reach the third floor and make my way to the left wing of the hospital when my phone buzzez.

Savanah- Hey girl, how's work? ;)

Savanah Clarke has been my best friend since middle school. She is like my conjoined twin though we look nothing alike

Me- Just got here, Ill tell you all about my day later. Olive Garden?

Savanah- I hate how much you know me -.-

Me- i kn..

I didnt get to finish my text when I bump into some one spilling what's left of my coffee over his white coat

"Oh, shoot. Im so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going"

He suddenly turns around and something about him looks familiar.

"Im so sorry Dr..."

I look at his ID: "Kyle Mathews" my eyes look at him in a mix of shock and wonder

"K? I mean Kyle?" I asked stunned

His eyes widden with surprise "Shai?"

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