Lie after Lie

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I stood there, in shock of what I had just witnessed. I couldn't move. My brain started up processing everything and trying to make sense of what I saw. Thinking if it was my brain just messing with me. I started walking back to my department as my mind worked.

Maybe you are just jealous and imagined the whole thing? Doubt it.

Maybe he needed her for a consult? Consults don't require their lips together. Nor an on call room

Maybe they were practicing for a play? A play, really?

I was too focused on my thoughts that I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped against something. Well, someone.

"oh, I'm sorr..." I look up to see Caleb turn around. I had to hold in a chuckle as I saw his bruised and swollen face where Kyle had punched him.

"Shayira, seems like you can't get enough of me"

"Not now Caleb" I answered walking past him. But not fast enough. I felt the too familiar grip on my wrist and was pulled back to him and onto a less crowded hallway. He stood a bit too close to my comfort.

"See, I was going to apologize for my behavior yesterday," lies, "but it seems you indeed need to be treated roughly." He looks to both sides of the hallway, "And you don't have your 'prince charming' to come rescue you this time." He had the same look in his eyes that he had the day of the party, except this time, I wasn't suffocated on the smell of beer he had.

I put my hand on his cheek as he started leaning towards my face, but he had that giant bruise on his face which I pinched with force and pushed him off.

"Thing is, I don't need a Prince Charming."

Dr. Summers to the ER sounded through the hospital intercom.

"Now, if you excuse me, I have a job to do" I said as I walked away fixing my hair into a pony tail. I heard him call me a name I dare not mention.

I jogged back to the ER and made my way to the front counter to see who needed me.

"Treatment 5." That's all the nurse said, still looking at the computer screen, just pointing with her pen the direction I had to go.

I made my way to Treatment 5 and opened up the curtain to find none other than Cara. Life just hates me today. With Cara was a little boy on the gurney.

"You page me?"

"No, I paged the pediatrician in today, and by the looks of it, it's you" she said not looking up, just taking the boy's temperature.

"Ok" I elongated the word in an awkward tone but just focused on my work, "what do we have?" I asked as I put on my gloves, "Hey, what's your name sweetie?" I asked the boy with a smile.

"Max" he answered back shyly holding his hands together.

"He has been coughing, sneezing and with a runny nose for a few days. Low fever" Cara answered back quite roughly

"And he had a nose bleed last night, that's why the mother brought him in. She is in the front filling in the last documents to then come here" I heard a familiar male voice behind me. I look over my shoulder to find Joseph standing behind me.

"Hey Joseph! How've you been?"

"Shayira? It's you, oh my God, it's been too long!" he said moving in front of me to hug me.

"Yes it has been. Haven't seen you since high school! Kyle told me you were on his party but I never saw you." I remembered all the fun we used to have in high school, Kyle, Joseph, and me. Though, the thought of Kyle reminded me what I had seen this morning. "I was planning on saying hello this morning but you were nowhere to be found around the ER. I just guessed you were late or something"

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