The park

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Hey guys!! I'm not dead!! XD sorry for not updating in a long, LONG time! I got outta school for summer break last week, and I have been working on commisions and summer homework since then, I also didn't know what to write about anymore ('Д' ) ANDDD I've also continued to do this Sketch PMV animation thing! It's gonna be about Adrien and his life (ish) I can't wait to finish it, I'm almost done, and I'll try so hard to update every 2-3 days! I paw-mise! (Omg I'm the worst xD) anyways, I hope u like this...???

Marinette's POV~
It had been a full two weeks since the incident with the Evillustrator, and I couldn't be more relieved. It took a while to be able to able to even be near Nathanial, but I gradually became comfortable around him once again. It was also comforting to have Alya, and even Adrien, by me to help reassure my safety. Not that I was in any danger, but their prescnece was indeed comforting.

After School I went up to my bedroom and retrieved a pencil and sketchbook from my desk and start walking towards the park. As soon as I get there I glance around to see a place to sit, spotting a tree. I make my way towards the tree and lay down in the grass. I soon close my eyes, letting my mind go blank. Everything seemed so peaceful, so calm, I sigh, as I take in feeling of the cool summer breeze blowing against my face.

I wake with a start as I feel something wet drop on my forehead. I grunt, and push myself up to a sitting position. I yawn, stretching my arms up over my head. As my mind finally starts to wake up l look around. Crap. It was pitch dark, and it was starting to rain. I scramble to get my pencil and sketch pad, brushing myself off. Yeesh. How long have I been asleep? I sigh, and start walking out of the park.

As soon as I'm out of the park I feel a chill up my spine. Something doesn't feel right... I stop and glance around the street, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. I shrug, and right as I'm about to continue walking, I hear a loud bang. My eyes immediately dart to where the noise was made. My entire body freezes. I see the silhouette of a man on the ground beside a couple of trashcans where he had tripped on. Memories flash in my mind of what had happened with the 3 men. My body goes rigid and I immediately bolt down the street. I stare dead ahead, running as fast I possibly can. My heart pounds, the adrenaline and fear coursing through my veins like wildfire.I take a moment to glance over my shoulder, hoping that I was just being paranoid and that I wasn't being followed by a stranger. All hopes of that being the case vanishes as I see the man walking, no, running, towards me. I yelp and run even faster if that's possible. My lungs feel as if they are being caught on fire, my chest heaving. I turn a corner and as I'm about to glance around, I bump into something hard.
I rub my forehead, "ah- I-I'm s-sorry!" I say, my voice shaky and hard.
"No need to A-PAW-logize purrr-incess!" I gasp, and look up at the person I collided with. Chat Noir. I chuckle. Of course it is, who else says these awful puns! I'm about to say something when he pulls me into a hug. I stiffen, then wrap my arms around his torso. I take in his scent, as a warm feeling surrounds me. With chat, I feel protected. I feel...Safe. We hug for awhile, but it feels all too soon when he breaks away from the hug, ever so slightly. His gaze is once again fixed on my face as he asks: "So, what is my princess doing all alone in the dark streets of Paris?" At that, my mind snaps back to reality. My entire body starts to shake, and I hug chat noir once again. My face buried into his chest.
"Oh chat... I'm so glad your here. I-I went to the park, I was originally going to sketch some designs and relax. But I fell asleep and woke up just a while ago, only to realize that it was night time already..." Chat chuckles, "You fell ASLEEP?" I pull back enough to see his face "Hey! It was very peaceful! A-And the sunlight was so warm and cozy against my skin, and the cool wind that accompanied it... I don't know it was just so relaxing! I never meant to fall asleep!!" I exclaim, giving a small pout. Chat grins, leaning forward as he kisses me on the lips. I giggle. Wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him more passionately. His hand wraps around my waist, while his other hand presses behind my back, pressing me closer. I'm about to kiss him again when a cold breeze blows against my face. Realizing that I hadn't told him about the strange man. I pull back.
"I forgot to mention the most important thing about this evening. T-there was a man. D-down that street-" I abruptly point to the street where I had just been. "H-he was following me so I ran as fast as I could, and that's when I bumped into you."
"I-I'm not sure if it was the same man from befo-"
"WHAT??!" Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Chat frantically inspects me.
"Did he go near you?? Did... Did he hurt you!?"
"I'm going to go find that man, and when I do I'm gonn-"
"Chat! It's okay, I'm fine!" Thankfully I ran fast enough, And thankfully you were here too. I don't think he would have been dumb enough to mess with Paris's famed super hero!" I laugh.
"Marinette. This is serious. What if I wasn't here? What if-"
"But you were!"
"But what if I wasn't? What if I'm not here next time!? What if I'm not able to protect you-"
"It's okay kitty, I can fend for myself!" I say cheerfully. I glance back at Chat and realize the serious face he has on. I sigh.
"Okay, What if I promise not to go out at night alone, I'll be sure to be with someone or be on of the more busier streets.Will that make you feel better?" Chats eyes lock with mine and gives a small smile.
"Thanks princess. That would definitely put my mind more at ease" he purrs. Then, he swiftly picks me up bridal style and runs on the rooftops. He takes me back to my apartment which I'm very much grateful to see. We land on my balcony and he opens the latch to my bedroom and carries me in. As soon as he puts me down, I immediately jump into bed and hug my cat pillow. Relieved to actually feel a soft bed, and not the hard ground in the park. Chat Noir follows behind me. I go into the covers with Chat next to me. I wrap my hand around him and Bury my head to his chest. I yawn, and nuzzle my face deeper into his chest.

I'm so tired you guys, you have NO IDEA!!! Also, I'm gonna upload another chapter tomorrow! So I Hope you guys liked this chapter!?? And I didn't proof read so (=^^=) xD. Oh and look at the sketch commission I did earlier this week (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) They commisioned me to draw the Evillustrator!! I really need to draw him more! ('Д' ) c:

 Oh and look at the sketch commission I did earlier this week (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) They commisioned me to draw the Evillustrator!! I really need to draw him more! ('Д' ) c:

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