The Demon's Heart?

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Meanwhile, whilst Sebastian wondered where Jim had gone, Jim lay in wait under the floorboards, like smoke. He watched without much real interest in anyone but Sebastian. He was different...

Sebastian looked around to try and find Jim, but he didn't see him anywhere. Tears welled up in the child's eyes. Sebastian sighed and laid down on his bed. "You don't understand." He spat at the officer, not even looking at him. Sebastian buried his face in a pillow, silently crying. Where had Jim gone? Jim nearly reached out to sweep back Sebastian's hair gently before he caught himself. None of that touchey-feely stuff. A man like him would not be reduced to such things.

The officer raised his hands in defeat, still watching Sebastian with a worried expression. Sebastian looked up at the roof, still wondering where his friend had gone. "I'm not insane. I'm fine." He insisted. He was more talking to himself then to the officer.

"You need to come out. Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" The police officer took Sebastian's upper arm a bit harder than usual and pulled him up. "Then you can use the couch to take a nap?" Sebastian didn't like this man touching him. He pulled his arm out of the man's tight grip. "Fine." He muttered. He wasn't going to raise an added suspicion. The man took him to the bathroom and ran the sink water, taking a towel and wetting the edge. He ran it over Sebastian's face gently, scrubbing at the dried flakes of blood.

Sebastian didn't want this man taking care of him. "I can do it myself." He said bitterly. His tone was shaken and hinted with fear.

"Okay, okay," the officer said as he handed it over and went back to the bedroom. There was just something not right about that kid. Something not right at all.

Sebastian finished cleaning his face off and then threw the wet paper towel away. He dried his face off with another towel and then walked out to the officer.

"Go to the living room. Everyone's confined to their bedrooms at the moment, so it's quiet. Get some sleep, kid. You look exhausted." He smiled gently and walked to Sebastian's room. Sebastian hated the look of worry on the officer's face. He made his way to the living room, then laid on the couch, unable to sleep.

Jim drifted up and took shape on the back of the couch, laying on his side with an arm propping his head up. He stared down at Sebastian disappointedly, but had to remind himself it was a family-less child. "I wouldn't leave you, silly."

Sebastian looked up at Jim and his face lightened up. "Oh. I'm sorry. People always leave me- I've just come to expect it..." He twiddled his thumbs nervously, not exactly sure what he was nervous of.

"I'm different. Look at me," Jim ordered softly. "Am I like your parents?" He rolled down next to Sebastian, hugging him.

"My dad beat my mum to death and then offed himself. My mother would have never left me. She loved me." Sebastian leaned against Jim's chest, drawing comfort from his less than real friend.

"I'm sorry, Sebby." Jim closed his eyes. He may not be able to sleep, but he could still pretend. Or rest.

Sebastian didn't want to cry anymore that night so he just sighed. "It's not your fault Jim, my dad was evil." "Evil is a very objective phrase," Jim murmured, holding Sebastian close. "But he did do something unforgivable."

"He killed my loving mother. All she ever did was kindness. He beat her regularly and one night he went one step too far. He couldn't live with the guilt of killing the woman he had married, so he offed himself like a coward." Sebastian's voice wavered. He had already experienced far too much for the average 6 year old.

"Shh..." Jim held Sebastian closer. "You're strong. That's why I chose you. You're much stronger than anyone else." Sebastian nodded and took a few deep breaths to keep calm. He nuzzled his face into Jim's chest, completely oblivious to his surroundings. "I'm tired." He muttered.

"Sleep." Jim hummed a soft little tune, burying his head in Sebastian's soft hair. Sebastian felt safe with Jim there. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Jim slowly flickered out like a light, leaving the orphaned boy alone- in more ways than one. He'd come back, though. Unlike the others.

Sebastian did have dreams this time. Dreams about Jim with his demon eyes, sitting on a throne of fire. "Come here sebby, everything will be fine." He said, his voice not the Irish drawl he had become accustomed to, but more, a dark, booming voice that made Sebastian cower.

"You aren't Jim.." He nearly whispered, not feeling the courage in his own voice.

"I am very much Jim." The voice came again. "Although that is only one of my names." And before Jim could continue, Sebastian woke up in a cool sweat.

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