Chapter 1

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Welcome to a new Ereri fanfiction! I've had this idea for a while, and it was intended to be a roleplay but it never here I am!
Also, if you haven't checked out my other Ereri fanfiction it's called "I guess I love you". Hope you enjoy!

~Erens p.o.v.~

I start my day off like usual by showering and brushing my teeth and all that fancy jazz that every person should do to contain good hygiene. Today was Monday meaning I have school, also meaning I have to sadly wear clothes that aren't pajamas.

I know the whole stereotype of college students not caring at all really and they do wear pajamas to their classes but I mean...I guess I don't follow the stereotypes.

Grabbing my bag that held all of my precious art brush sets and a few basic paints and erasers I also grabbed my keys and headed out of my apartment that was riddled with open sketchbooks and pencils and then headed towards my car; an original Volkswagen beetle colored a matte black.

~Time skip~

My first class was pretty boring since I already knew pretty well how to draw and paint limbs, bodies, and heads in proportion to eachother. The class was dismissed eventually so I gathered my notes and left to my next class which was centered around painting techniques and generally everything that included paints whether it be painting on canvas or mixing colors.

In that class we started painting abstract at the beginning of the year since it's a bit easy and hard to mess up and slowly throughout the year we have progressed into painting actual things like still-pictures and nature. But as class started and we were informed of our oncoming assignment I was confused as to why Mr. Mike, our teacher, was acting so serious with the description. Usually he acted like his regular calm and collected, somewhat hippie, self. But now he was being stern.

"Your assignment for the next week is to paint a person. I don't care who they are, you can make them up or look at pictures to base yourself off of, just paint a human being. And I dont care what paints you use, just do it on canvas, I also don't care what size. I want this on Friday. Once you turn this into me I'll tell you the next upcoming news which will be occuring next week and tie into this project."

Pulling my planner out from my bag, I wrote down the assignment and when it was due so I wouldn't forget later and end up doing this whole thing Thursday night.

For the rest of the class we reviewed some techniques for painting living creatures and the differences between acrylic paint and oils for painting humans versus everything else we had learned in the past.

During free time for the remaining 10 minutes of this class, Hanji, my absolutely insane friend, came over to me, running and sliding into the empty seat next to me, while I was sketching an abstract.

"Hiiiiii Erennnnnn!!!!," she squealed, making me flinch slightly "are you excited for the assignment?!"

I muttered out a grunt, still focused on the intricate design I was coming up with right there on the spot.

I heard her pout since I wasn't listening very well or responding to her which made me pull my hand away from the paper and direct my attention to what she was going on about.

"It's just an assignment. Nothing special really. It's just like any other." I said, responding to her question she had asked me previously.

"BUT EREN!! Did you not hear Mr. Mike?! He said there's a second part next week! We've never had a two part assignment. Who knows what's in store." She spoke excitedly, glancing off into the distance, daydreaming.

I don't want to know what's going through that girls head.

Before I knew it, the class was walking out of the room and had been dismissed. This is usually when I took my lunch break so I asked Hanji if she'd want to join me which, of course, she instantly said yes almost a bit too anxiously. I also texted Armin and Mikasa to see if they'd take their free period now and join us as well.

Once receiving a text from the blonde saying that he and Mikasa would come along with us we all decided to meet up at panda express for lunch.

Being impatient and due to the fact that Hanji and I were faster then the other two, we both ordered our food and waited for it to be ready along with waiting to see the others arrive.


As we began to chow down on our Chinese food, using chopsticks of course, the bell to the entrance rang, causing mine and Hanji's head to dart in that direction. Instantly I saw the short blonde and Mikasa. They were dressed in their normal school attire and while I was totally not checking my friends out I felt a harsh pat on the back, pulling me out of my trance to see that Jean and Erwin had also tagged along.

"Ew, why'd you bring the horse." I spat jokingly which I received a snicker in return from the said male.

The four who were a little late went and ordered their food while I continued to eat mine. Whilst I was eating I felt a pair of eyes stare into my soul and I looked to find Hanji had stopped plowing noodles into her face and she was looking right at my ear it seemed.

"Ay, what're you doing?!" I waved a hand in front of her to reach her attention and pull her out of her daze.
"Don't worry," she waved her hand, still looking in the direction she had been before "I'm not looking at you. I'm looking at that cutie back there." She pointed cautiously over my shoulder.

I avert my gaze into the direction where she pointed to see that there wasn't anyone there after all.

Tapping Hanji's back and gripping her shoulders to turn her back to her food I spoke. "Ok, Hanji, you're seeing people again. Are you ok?" I placed the back of my hand on her forehead.

The others arrived once again, food in hand, and began to eat after choosing who they'd sit next to.

Mikasa of course sat next to me since she liked to be obsessive and crap, Armin next to her and of course Erwin was right next to him, a little too close as a matter of fact.

Then Jean had no choice but to sit between Hanji and Mr. Eyebrows over here.


We all finished eating and stuffing our faces and by that time we had a few extra minutes to get to class. Except for Erwin. He was the only one that didn't go to school here, but he did teach the drama class, which luckily, I wasn't going to college for acting because although I have to put up with him for Armin, I'm really not too fond of him. He's a good guy and all but like, I would really hate having to listen to him for a whole class period and give him my homework.

If I'm going to be honest, his eyebrows urke me. They really need to be trimmed.

After throwing our trash away and heading back in the direction of the school, we all said bye for now and I was headed to my next class; 3D art.
A little short but hey, it was the first chapter, they'll get longer eventually. Hope you enjoy so far!

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