Chapter 9

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Please bare with me and my awful, irregular updating schedule.
Eren p.o.v.

The bell for first period just went off, signaling that class is over finally. The painstakingly long period always dragged on and made me want to jump off a bridge.

Sighing, I pack up my shit and feel slightly nervous for my painting class as realization set in. Seeing Levi might make me die inside because of what happened....and what has been going through my head about my feelings.

Eventually I stop wasting time and I head to the highly dreaded class. I feel like a stupid elementary school kid; dreading my feelings and wanting to ignore everything about the person.

I never understood why kids did that.
Taking in a deep breathe, I walk into the class, seeing that Mr. Ackerman is already here. Of courseeee. The one day I'd rather be a child and ignore him, he's here earlier than any other day. I avoid eye contact as I get to my seat, pulling out a canvas from the back cabinet, paints, and brushes because the board instructed me to.

I can feel Levi's gaze upon me and I tense up, bullshitting what I'm doing by messing around with random stuff in front of me to make it seem like I'm busy.

God I'm so immature.

Before anything could go any farther, the bell rang and everyone sat down, paying attention to the now speaking Mr. Mike.

"Ok guys we're jumping right into it," he began, "today we're doing a painting if you couldn't tell, but there is a twist to this as always."

I could hear various groans scattered across the room. It's like I'm in high school all over again.

"What you guys are going to do is paint Mr. Ackerman like you have been but you have to add a distortion to him in some way." He continued after the groans had faded away.

After he described into more detail about how we had to make something non-human happen to Levi and that it was all up to us to pick what type we wanted to do, he left us to our own resources and told us to begin.

Deciding to ignore Levi getting undressed, I pick out my colors and choose to do a monochromatic scheme. My color of choice is yellow.

Looking back up, I see that Levi is fully undressed and ready to be painted. He was currently sat upon a wooden chair, which I'm assuming is the reason he was here early so he could get it into the class. One of his knees were pulled up to his chest and a thin white piece of cloth, that I'm guessing is something like a bed sheet, is draped over his lower regions and diagonally across his shoulder so it gracefully cascaded down the side of his body. His further arm was firmly wrapped around the pulled up leg, the other arm lazily dropping down the side of the cloth.

I couldn't lie to myself that he was truly beautiful. Not just the pose he was placing himself in, but just his overall charisma. The way his natural beauty shone through the way he held himself in these positions is something I'll always admire.

I snap myself out of my miniature trance and get to work almost immediately. Painting the basic figure with a close-to-white color, I begin adding slight details and texture.

Planning before hand so I don't fuck up, I choose on distorting the cloth and most of Levi's arm that's facing me, hoping that blending or melting his arm into the cloth will be good enough of a distortion for Mr. Mike.

~time skip~

Nothing interesting had (gladly) happened in the class with Levi except for me finishing my artwork which might I say, I'm proud of. The bell had rang just a few moments ago which released me to my free period.
Sadly, none of my friends are available to do our usual meet up for lunch thing. They all either were absent, had to retake something, or already had plans with out-of-squad people. This meant I'd be left alone to eat by myself for an hour and a half.

Instead of going somewhere decent for food, I leave my classroom and make my way to the campus café. They aren't anything special and the food isn't the best quality but let me tell you, it by far beats high school food. And it's cheap so that's a plus.

Eventually after waiting in line, I obtain my premade sandwich and a water bottle. With this, I make my way outside to sit at one of the benches in the slightly forested area of campus. And with that I mean they had planted just enough trees and bushes in a large empty space so there was just the right amount of shade during the day.

Breathing in the fresh air, I find a nice bench under a tree and sit down criss cross on it. Observing the concrete and beginning to eat my food, I hear footsteps headed in my direction which causes me to look up and see who it is.

"Hey stranger, mind if I sit?" Levi asks, oh so formally but with a smile on his face. This in which causes me to nod, allowing him his request.

"You didn't say anything to me today during class," he paused, resting his elbows on his knees "look, if what I said yesterday made you uncomfortable I'm sorry. I don't want to come off as a creep or anything."

Swallowing my mouthful of food, I instantly reply.

"No no no. That's not it. That didn't really...bother me that bad." I pause in a search for words, "it's just that I'm socially awkward and am not good in these issues." I chuckle, a bit of sarcasm lacing my words.

I really don't know what to do or say because I don't necessarily feel like explaining my slight, but growing, attraction to him at the moment. He's still a stranger and I still know almost nothing about him.

We sit in a comfortable silence as I continue eating but it quickly gets broken.

"Eren, I don't know what it is do I say this." Levi began to speak, catching my attention. "The moment I laid my eyes on you and saw you looking back it took me back to fucking middle school. Like, it's cheesy as fuck but my heart beat so fast. And I know I barely know you and you barely know me but I can't help it. Hell, if you knew me well you would know that me doing this right now is so not something I'd do. So I don't know what I'm saying or asking or doing but....I just wanted you to know." He poured out.

Extremely taken back, I'm at a loss for words. What do I say oh my god. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY.

Practically screaming at myself in my mind to say something, I guess I had paused too long and had made Levi become insecure.

"Shit I'm sorry Eren." He nervously ran a hand through his hair and bounced his leg up and down a few times before standing up abruptly.

"Again....I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just spill myself like that I just.....I'll go now." He quickly rambled on and began walking away.

Finally some fucking reality snapped into me and I stood up and grabbed his wrist right before he could walk out of arms reach.

Wrapping my arms around his waste, I pull him into a warm embrace, letting it do the speaking rather than my actual voice because we all know that would be a disaster. At first he tensed up but he quickly relaxed into my chest, wrapping his arms around me as well.

It's the most I could do. He had just confessed to me and I couldn't reply. How was I supposed to when I can't even get my own feelings sorted out.

All I know is that I didn't want this hug to end.
Holy SHIT. This was longer than I expected and I actually wrote a chapter in one night???
I'm lowkey proud.

If only I would update like this regularly.

The whole art project thing is inspiration from my art class cause we literally did that same assignment besides the nude model part xD

But what about that whole confession scene. What do ya thinkkkk? Is it good? Too cheesy? Leave a comment my dudes.

Also, I don't known if campus' have cafés? I'm just guessing.

(Last thing. I can't promise updates this fast because if you haven't realized from previous chapters, I take an entire eternity.)

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