chapter 2

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"Have a good day" grandma smiled as I was getting of the car, "you too" I replied. I was no longer a street boy. It has been a week, living with Mrs. Lindon, who named herself as my grandma. She owned a business and was a very busy woman.She said her husband travels around the country for business, he comes home hardly once a month. She bought me shoes, perfumes, clothes and the list goes on. I felt I was back home again, obviously without my family. She tried her best to make me smile every day. I haven't opened up in front of her, she still does not know anything about my past, maybe I'll tell her after some more months or so.

By the way, my admission was done and today was my first day. I was a bit nervous. The cold breeze was caressing the tanned skin on my face. The girls and boys passing by me and the thought of making friends tensed me. 'Here starts a new chapter of your life, forget all that has happened in the past. It's time for a new beginning' my inner voice told me.

While searching for my locker, I noticed someone eyeing me. I turned around to see a boy and a girl.

"Hey, you're new student, right?"both said in unison.

"yeah?" that came out more like a question than an answer.

"Great! I'm Henry and she's Catherine and you are?" I was surprised at their instinctive talk.I saw them a second ago and they are talking to me as if I was their old friend, who met them after many years.
"say something dude" they said breaking the train of my thoughts even before it started. "Marcus Brown" I replied.

"Marcus, we are your friends now, okay?" she said boldy as if I had no other option except to believe her. "I think we have to catch a class" I gave a small smile " wouldn't like to be late on the first day itself. I have literature first. Which class do you have?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Cool...Even I have literature" Henry was grinning from ear to ear. Catherine rosy pink lips turned down in a frown, her jet black eyes had a hint of disappointment as she said " I have geography, I'll have to go". "No problem, we'll catch you after that" Henry consoled her. "Okay then, see you later guys" she turned around to go. "you're girlfriend is not like the other girls" I told Henry. He chuckled "No dude, we are best friends not couples and by the way, she can't imagine being in a relationship".

We started walking to the class. "What do you mean?" I asked while walking. "She hates those kind of relationships. She finds it gross". The words that come out of his mouth were enough to remind me of Allyse. Even she hated relationships. I feel like laughing when I remember how people used to remark us 'cute couple' and we pretended as though we were inseparable lovers. To be honest in those days of my life, I believed we were truly inseparable, not as lovers but as best friends. I wish I knew she had a beast hidden inside her.

While entering into the class, my eyes fell over a dark brown haired girl. I froze. I couldn't move from my place. I wanted to run away but my legs were glued on the spot I was standing. I rubbed my eyes, and saw the girl again. I suppose, she was playing a game in her mobile. I pinched myself to find out if I was dreaming. "No, no. she can't be her" I muttered under my breath.

 "Are you alright?" Henry pressed my arm. The dark brown haired girl looked up at Henry and then at me. The second she saw me, she put her head down and did the same thing I did.

Pinched herself.

Then slowly she raised her head. Her face showed how shocked she was. She wasn't even blinking her eyes. Her mobile screen flashed 'you lost' making a ding sound, still she didn't move. She looked exactly same even after 2 years. I couldn't believe my eyes. The same face, bridged nose and the crystal blue eyes were in front of me after 2 whole years.

"What are you guys up to?" Henry jumped in between. "huh? No, it's nothing" we both said in unison. Henry smirked. I glanced over the class to find an empty seat and walked to it. Henry followed and sat beside me whispering "How do you know Allyse?"
"What? Her name is Allyse? No, I don't know her" I told a perfect lie. Before he could say anything, a man in thirties entered the class. The class wished him and so did I. He introduced me to the class. And I was asked to say something about myself. I didn't understand what to say. One thought that came to my mind was to insult Allyse to the fullest. But then I told Henry that I didn't know her, so there drops the idea of insulting. "I am Marcus Brown, and I shifted here from Compton, and....and..." I raced my mind to find something that would help me introduce myself in the class, but in vain "and,that's it". Then Mr.Solace, my teacher asked me to take my seat.

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