Chapter 8

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She wasn't alone. She was with her so-called fake boyfriend Derek, laughing heartily as he said something. My heart dropped down to my stomach. She was skipping school and going on a date every day with him? She threw her head back laughing even harder as Derek cracked another joke and couldn't stop laughing. I wonder what's making her laugh so much. She hardly even smiled last week when she was with me. My temper was rising, little by little. Just then, she took a big bite of her pizza, transforming her cheeks into pizza-filled balls. Even with her mouth stuffed, she uttered something, to which Derek took a large bite of his pizza, just like Allyse did. What the hell are these two up to? Stuffing mouth game or what?

Without any second thoughts, my legs walked up to her table. They were so engrossed in their conversation, they hardly noticed me standing right beside their table. I cleared my throat, to catch their attention. None of them looked at me. They were still busy chewing their pizza's bites. Are they deaf? How can they not hear me? Well, I guess I know what to do now.

I caught hold Allyse's hand and pulled her up from her seat. It was then they both saw me. One of her hand was in my hand and the other was holding the pizza slice. They didn't seem shocked at all. What? They knew I was here? Were they ignoring me on purpose?

"Hey, leave her" Derek stood up furiously, anger dripping from his voice. "Do not get so possessive about her. You are just her fake boyfriend, so you better stay out of it" I blurted out. Leaving him astound, I dragged Allyse out of the restaurant.

"You are hurting my wrist, Marcus. Let it go" Allyse whined.

"Not as much as it hurt me to see you with someone else"

Shit! What did I just say.

"What?" She stopped in her track looking at me with her eyes wide and a dropped jaw.

Damn! Where did that come from?

'you usually speak the truth when you are high'  the inner voice in me spoke up. To avoid the eye contact, I glued my eyes to the ground and tried to make her walk again. "I am not moving unless you clarify yourself" she said, slowly taking a step to stand in front of me, she could just reached my shoulders, as I was way too taller than her. Her eyes met mine as she raised her head. She was smiling like a Cheshire cat. Her eyes dancing. She was clearly enjoying my outburst. My heart was thumping as well as smiling. Why? I don't know.

Dub lub dub lub

Thank God, he gave me excellent skills to hide my emotions. I still had a scowl on my lips, but this time a forced one.

'Damn your smile Aly'

Still smiling she asked "Care to explain what you just said?"  What do I say now? Why am I so damn weird? With all those questions running in my mind I couldn't find any proper reason. "Nah, I was just kidding" I lied.

Her Cheshire cat smile changed to an evil one. She waggled her eyebrows "Why do you keep trying when you already know can't lie?" she mocked.

Before my brain could process the strings of words escaping her mouth, someone's laughter broke in.

Allyse and I both turned towards the sound of laughter and saw Henry and Catherine laughing. Catherine was laughing normally but Henry's laugh was....

He was bending up and down vigorously. His hand holding his head once and then the second patting his thigh repeatedly. He moved to the wall, patted the wall and then again continued patting his thigh. He looked like an insane man laughing. You know there are some people, whose laugh is funnier than the joke. Well, I guess my friend Henry was one of that kind.

It's been complete five minutes and he is still laughing like a maniac, Allyse and Catherine were too laughing like there was no end to this. Me? I was just standing watching them. I didn't get why they were laughing like mentally retarded creatures.

Exactly seven minutes later, finally they were stable. Yes, I did keep an eye on my watch. All three stood, facing me. What am I supposed to do now? "What?" All three exchanged glances and smiles. As far as I can remember, Henry was head over heels in love with Allyse and was always nervous whenever she showed up. While Catherine and Allyse never shared a chemical in their chemistry. Woah! That isn't even a phrase.

This present moment was contradicting all those. Henry wasn't nervous at all, Allyse wasn't weird, Catherine and Allyse seemed to be best friends since ever. I am missing out something for sure and I need to find out what it was.

The weird silence was broken by my growling stomach. All of us fell into another fits of laughter. This time, me included.

Henry pulled his arm over my shoulder after he was done with his hysterical laugh "Come on in, or else poor tummy will ask for food again". The girls chuckled at his statement, and followed us in the restaurant. We sat on the same table where Allyse and Derek were sitting earlier. Yes, you are right. All four together, on one table. Boys on one side, girls on the other. Derek? No, he was not here. Probably, he went to use the bathroom because when we were standing out because I didn't see him leave the restaurant. I wonder why he did the 'possessive boyfriend' drama.

"Hey!! That is my coke" Catherine yelled when Henry snatched her drink after gulping his own. He sipped the last drop with a sound and turned towards Catherine, who had a murderous look on her face and said "That was my coke".

Catherine took a deep breath, dominating her anger. She then pointed towards the other can "That.was.yours" she said with her teeth gritted, stressing on each word.

"Well, you are mine, that makes this can mine too" Henry smirked.

"Your cheesy comments won't work on me, get me another can" she said blankly throwing daggers at him.

"I need another one too" Allyse announced to which Henry casually answered "You are not mine. Ask Marcus to get it for you". He acted as if whatever he said was just a fact. Catherine professed coughing so that we do not concentrate much on what he said. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"The last time I remember you were head over heels in love with Allyse and suddenly today she became mine?? " I questioned. The second I completed my sentence Catherine coughed again and Allyse yelled a 'what'. A waiter walked over to our table and requested us to talk a bit softly as the movie on our table wasn't pleasant to the other customers. Just as the waiter left, out of no where Derek showed up with a wide grin "So, everything solved?" he asked. Where did he come from, that too grinning??  He raised an eyebrow at Allyse gesturing her to answer his question. 

This is it !! "What the hell is going on here?" I barked. There wasn't a single act that could be considered normal today. There is definitely a lot fishy crap going on "I ain't repeating it again and again. Open your freaking mouths and tell me what the bullshit is going on today?"

Derek's smile dropped and the girls twitched, while Henry sat quietly with his hands folded with a look of 'GAME OVER'. He glanced at Catherine as though pleading for help, to which she responded "okay guys, I guess its time to spills the beans"


Loads of drama, wasn't it? 

'GAME OVER'?? What the game being played? Don't worry, you'll find out in the next chapter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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