Activity Time

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  After I eat my eggs and bacon, i go find Momma and tell her I'm done. She goes to look at my plate and says "Wow, you must have been hungry, you ate it all."

  I grin at her and say "Thank you." Mama picks up my plate and puts it in the sink, then she goes into the other room and I follow her because I want to see what shes doing.

  She opens the closet door and pulls out a big plastic box. I know what it is and cant wait to play with my Lincoln Logs, so I start jumping up and down in excitement.

  Mama tells me that I can play with them for 30 minutes and I am so happy. I grab the box and run to my play area to open it. I build a big house and Mama puts the roof on for me. Then I knock it down and look at her to see what she would do. She laughs and starts building it back up.

  Together we play with my new toy and then she says its time to put it up. I dont want to, but dont know the right words to tell her, so i sit quiet for a moment trying to remember the words. I cant remember. It upsets me, so I start crying and I'm mad so i knock over the logs and get up and run away from it.

  I go to my room and hide because I dont like not remembering what to say. I think I upset Mama too. It seems like a long time before she comes to my room to find me. She tells me its ok, and I'm happy shes not mad at me.

  We go into the living room and I dont see my toys. Mama sees me looking and says "I put them up so we can play with something else. Would you like to color or read a book?"

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