15 Wake up calls and Warnings

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When Stiles woke up it was to someone clearing there throat. His eyes blink slowly eyes blurry as he looks up from beneath the pile of people that have literally acumilated on the bed.

Melissa was standing in the doorway of Scotts room with her arms crossed as she raised a brow looking at them expectantly.

Stiles realized what she was looking at. He was smooshed between Erica and Scott who both had their limbs just laying over his body and Isaac was laying across Scotts and Stiles legs and Boyd was actually laying with Erica holding her securely.

"Before you freak out... we have all our clothes on." Stiles grumbles as he can't seem to be bothered to try to escape the puppy pile.

Melissa arches her brow higher and barks out. "Hey!"

Suddenly Scott and Isaac flail and fall off the bed into another pile of tangled limbs and then its another show of them trying to stand up while trying to not trip eachother again.

It takes a few seconds for them to stand up and blink the sleep back.

Stiles can't help but smirk and chuckle under his breath at his friends. Erica rolls her eyes as Boyd slowly stands up and she stretches.

Stiles finally gets up out of bed and runs a hand through his hair. "Good morning Melissa."

"Yeah. Good morning everyone. Does your foster family know where all of you are?" Melissa was obviously worried that she had stepped on someone's toes.

"Peter knows where we are." Stiles rubs his face remembering last night.

"O-kay." She looks suspicious but doesn't ask further questions. "I can make eggs if you are all hungry."

Stiles wasn't really hungry but all the wolves stomachs seem to growl at the same time. Melissa smirks and nods. "Be down in a few minutes." Then she went downstairs to make breakfast.

Stiles turned to Scott to say something about how he had missed them but suddenly as he looked at Scott he felt pain bloom behind his eyes.

The world flickered gold and orange and red as he felt his spark burn inside him.

Suddenly he saw Scott fighting along side of Derek and Peter against what looked like other wolves. They were getting slashed with claws and beaten with hard hits hitting them into walls and pillars. Blood sprayed in the air and they fell to the ground as 5 wolves with red eyes attacked them.

Then he saw the female wolf force Derek to rip out Boyds heart and then stab Derek with a pipe and leaving him there pinned to the ground.

When he came too he was being held up by Scott and Isaac and he was shivering and clenching his jaw against the visions. His nose was bleeding but not as much as last time.

He looked around and took hold of his panic and strangled it down because this was no time to let fear take him over. He had to protect his pack.

"What did you see?"

"Was it the hunters?"

"What the fuck is going on now?"

"We gotta go now. We gotta go right fucking now." Stiles ran.

The wolves follow behind him easily down the stairs as he tosses a call to Mellissa. "Peter just called we gotta go home. Bye Thanks missed you see you soon." There was no time for her to respond as they ran to the jeep.

"What the fuck is going on?" Scott called.

"What did you see?" Erica asked and Stiles could hear the fear in her voice.

They were in the jeep and he was peeling out. "I saw..." Stiles had to swallow and gripped the steering wheel tighter his knuckles turning white. "I saw a bunch of Alphas... they were... they were coming for us."

There was a huge silence that suddenly filled the jeep.

He hated the tension that he could feel the fear of his pack suddenly clench his own chest.

'they are afraid...'

What the fuck is this the time for this fucking voice to show up again? Stiles growled in his own mind.

' they need hope'

Stiles bit his lip and didn't know if there was much hope to be had against 5 alphas. Especially the ones he saw in his vision.

"It's going to be okay. Last time my vision was... worse and we escaped." Stiles tried.

The jeep slid as he breaks hard in the parkinglot of the loft. The teenwolves all jump out but something grips Stiles and makes him dizzy.

He grips the steering wheel of the jeep as he feels something inside him connect to the nemeton suddenly.

'you have to do something'

Stiles vision was going blurry as he took deep breaths gasping against the power that he felt brush against his own spark.

It was old. Primordial. Choatic. Unstable.

"What? What do I have to do?" Stiles gasped out as he was shaking gripping the steering wheel.

"Stiles?" Isaac called outside the door of the Jeep.

But Stiles could only see and feel and hear the Nemeton as it spoke to him.

The words he couldn't understand because they were in another language but he saw a vision of a monster. A monster with a scarred face that was so grotesque that he flinched recoiling away and felt the darkness around it. The wrongness of it.

The evil.

He felt it. He felt the monster getting closer. He could feel it was even more dangerous than the alphas.

He suddenly felt hands on him pulling him out of the jeep and heard a voice that struck him deep within his core and shook him out of the vision.

"Stiles!" Derek yelled his name as he held him against the Jeep. "Stiles come back!"

Red eyes. Derek's perma-frown. His scent. His leather jacket and black hanely. His green eyes. His hot hands gripping him.


Stiles took a deep gasping breath for what felt like the first time in a million years and gripped Derek and hid his face in his neck and took shaking gasping breaths as he clung to him. Safety. Safe. He felt warmth envelope him like a forcefeild. He felt like his body was slowly healing from the wear and tear of his visions as he was being held by his alpha.

He felt hot fingers caress into his hair and an arm wrap around his waist holding him gently. He heard a whispering voice in his ear. "Stiles. What's happened?"

Stiles took one last long deep inhale of Derek's scent and then shook his head as he pulled back and leaned back against the jeep to stay upright as he held Derek's arms for support. "We are so fucked..."


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