Remote Viewing

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How in the hell do you turn alphas against hunters when they are both after the same pack?

This is what Stiles had to figure out.

It was raining. And it was cold. And he was in a fucking train depot watching his pack huddle around a barrel fire. They were so exposed here. He had to find a way out of this.

He had to plan the perfect trap.

"I can see the cogs turning in your brain. If you don't relax you really will blow a gasket up there kid." Peter suddenly appeared beside him in the dark.

He still jumped. Of course he did. Peter was the epitome of creeper wolf. "Thanks for that Peter. Very helpful." He rolled his eyes.

Peter smiled his toothy grin. "I try."

Stiles took a deep breath and shook his head. "I have to figure out what the Alpha's want if I am going to be able to make the trap that will lead them to the hunters."

Peter tilted his head. "Thought you said they wanted us dead."

Stiles shook his head. "That could be the end result of them trying to get what they want. It might not be their goal."

Peter turned towards the pack and then turned back to Stiles. "So why don't you try to find out what it is they want?"

Stiles blinked up at him. "What do you think I've been trying to do? I don't have something to focus on in order to remote view them. I don't know where they are."

"How did you see them the last time?" Peter asks him carefully with calculating eyes.

Stiles blinks for a second. "I... I was looking into Scott's eyes..."

Peter arched a brow.

Stiles nodded and headed over to Scott. He was standing by the fire barrel and warming himself.

"Scott I need your assistance bud."

Scott looked surprised and turned to face him. "Uh sure. For what?"

Stiles just reached out and took hold of his shoulders and stared into his eyes.

There was a deep dangerous growl coming from the train car that sounded like a mix of grizzly bear and chain saw.

Stiles ignored that and focused on Scotts dark eyes.

"Uh what is going on?" Scott asked.

"Shh." Stiles said.

The growling got louder and closer. Stiles saw Peter grab Derek and stop him from interfering.

As Scott got even more freaked out his eyes flashed gold.

The connection happened so fast that Stiles felt like his breath was knocked out of him.

The Alphas had cornered them. They were in the abandoned mall. The one off the highway. Kali had Isaac by the throat and was holding him against the wall. She was threatening to kill him if Scott didn't stand down.

Scott was covered in deep gashes and was bleeding but he suddenly let himself shift back into human form and stood down as he looked at Isaac squirming against the wall. Isaac tried to choke some words out. They sounded like run... fight... go. But Scott refused to leave him.

Then Deucalion was behind Scott with a grin on his face. "This didn't have to get bloody Scott. If you and Derek would have just come with us. But no. You had to reject our offer. Now your little blonde is dead and your pack is scattered to the wind. That damn Peter even made off with your little emissary before we could test him. He always was a pain. Not very polite."

Scott just watched Duke walk around him to stand beside Kali and Isaac who's lips were turning blue. "Let Isaac go!"

"Tell me where Derek is. And I'll have Kali let him go."

Suddenly everything went white and garbled like the vision just went static. Suddenly he felt someone there.


You are a Spark!

Stiles recoiled away from the power that had just shut him out. He felt the power chasing him. Someone was trying to see him. See his mind. See his memories. He was suddenly back in his body and he turned fast and grabbed onto who he thought was Derek. But in reality...

He'd just grabbed onto Peter and locked eyes with him. Blue flared to life and insanity poured into him. He turned himself into a conduit and threw the insanity at the person that was trying to view him.

Stiles threw his head back and let out an insane ring of laughter as he jolted and went stiff. His eyes turned white. The fire sputtered out and everything went dark as he threw the rage and insanity at the person. He felt them get washed away and burned away from him.

He was thrown away from Peter. He crashed into the ground and coulnd't stop laughing and screaming as what ever insanity was left was burning through his spark. Or was his spark trying to burn through the insanity.

Suddenly he was gripped and he was face to face with Derek in his shifted state. Red eyes burning at him.

Stiles gasped like he was drowning. He clawed at Derek like he was trying to swim out of the darkness. He screamed trying to get the images of what Peter had to live through out of his mind.

Derek held him taking it all.

Stiles went limp against his chest and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he blacked out. 

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