slit my throat Shay Mitchell

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Newsflash boo boo you aren't special. I have to go to the doctor's today and get this shot so I don't get any sexually transmitted diseases I think. Lmao everybody who knows me knows good as hell I ain't having sex any time soon. My face is equal to the protection of a condom.

whY are the cringey YouTubers popular? Like yesterday I watched one of Filthy Frank's crew get a iDubbbzTV (thanks Liz I had a heart attack) tattoo on his ass and it was hilarious. Quality entertainment amirite.

So I'm leaving for the doctor's rn and it's v hot. I haven't shaved in a few days either so that's bloody perfect.

I'm in the doctor's now..woo hoo! That was sarcasm. I'm getting a shot and I'm not happy about it. I hate the smell of this place and how quiet it is. A baby won't stop staring at me. My nails look tacky af bc I filed and glued three new ones on and have yet to paint them. I'll paint my nails and shave my legs when I get home, so that I'll be ready to go to the pool later. Like I said, it's v hot and I have nothing better to do. God I look like a fuckin lOsER

I'm sitting out in the waiting area and I can hear a kid screaming and crying. Beautiful. Actually, when I was a child and I was like 5 or so, I hid under the chair thing in the room to avoid getting a shot. I got it anyways.

We stopped at a gas station and while walking out of Twice Daily, there was this pretty woman with pink hair and a baby and my sister was like "that baby was cute" and I was tempted to say "the girl was pretty wtf" but I didn't. Also blaring One Dance in the car is my fave thing to do.


Lmao jk it's like 1:30 and I'm sunburnt as hell. #living

anybody remember that one Neon Trees song that if you heard it you would probably sing along to? I remember.


thank you I'll be here all week

yikes™Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt