bounce bounce bonve

10 0 0

I'm like yeah she's fine
Wonder when she'll leave me the fuck alone

I'm lying lmaoooooo

Okay but Ian's really cute

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Okay but Ian's really cute

nanyways I like a guy now

he's pretty cool

his dad's rich


I'm gonna teach ya how to be cool

First step:

and now you're cool

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and now you're cool

lol but I dated someone and nobody knows who it is oops

I think only Bella knows about her

ahhahahahahaha oops

well I'll tell later maybe


okay but like who roasts meat in their backyards while people look on. Like wtf America.

Yes only Americans can have bbqs

My arm snapped send help


The back of my neck itchy


how do you probouce vase

My fingers won't work send lake

Send snake

nvm I don't want a Taylor swift

did you just assume my gember???!:!!

You smell weird

yikes™Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt