[4:I'm Single Now]

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Matt's POV
When I saw him on that coach I was like.

Awk what a cutie.

But then we made eye contact. I felt something, something really different, which I had never felt before. It felt good, I think. Then Ellen, my girlfriend, came over and wrapped her arms around me. I glanced over at her but all I really wanted to look at was him!

"Hey Matt look! It's April from last Sunday!" Ellen points to the coach.

"Oh, yeah.." I say convincingly. But he is all I'm really interested in.

"Matt, are you ignoring your girlfriend?" Chris comes over and wraps his arms around Ellen and I. Ellen smiles cheekily at him but I look back to where the coach was. It's gone now. My heart sank a little.

Will I ever see him again?

"Matt!" Chris says, louder this time.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom." I struggle.

"Okay, fine by me." Chris flashes an evil grin.

I feel sorta bad for Ellen about this. She is my girlfriend after all. But the way she got on, on Sunday, she seemed really bored of me. And I know she fancies the hell out of Chris anyway.

I look in the mirror, infront of the sinks.

Right Matt, get your act together! What do you want? A dirty cheating girlfriend? Or a boy who you'll obviously never see again? Take your pick!

Fuck it!

I want that boy.

Ellen's a cheating bitch! She can have Chris if she wants! I don't give a fuck anymore!

I splash my face with water and make my way out of the bathrooms.

"Ellen!" I call as soon as I get outside. I look at the fence, where the coach was. I run round the corner of the building, and that's when I see them, Ellen and Chris Eskimo kissing
eachother. "Ellen?" I run over.

"Matt. I'm sorry I-"

"It's fine I don't mind. I'm not really.." I cut off because I see Chris giving me a look, which is pretty intimidating. "I'm not happy anymore. You're happier with Chris anyway and I can see! So, I'm breaking up with you."

"No hard feelings!" Chris comes over. "She never liked you anyway."

I nod and walk away, then I turn around again.

"No, no hard feelings." I turn back and walk away again.

Break is nearly over so I head straight for my next class.

Ugh, I've got the rest of the day to get through this bullshit!

Of course when everyone else comes, they're all sympathizing over Ellen. I may be a little bit popular but Chris is the most popular guy in my year! That's why everyone would find out about it so quickly.

We all walk into class and get out our books. Thankfully, Ellen sits at the other side of the room.

I wouldn't have been saying that last week.

But I do sit beside a girl called Rose, and I know she fancies me. A lot!

"Umm, Matt?" She asks, in her sickly-sweet voice.

"Yes?" I answer almost immediately, in a very posh voice by accident. That makes her giggle. I try to smile in return.

"You know the way you're, um, single now? Well, uh, I..."

Get on with it.

"Um... Will you go out with me then?"

"Sorry Rose, I'm not really into girls!" I blurt out.

Nice one big mouth! What will you do if Chris finds out?

"Oh, alright, I understand. I'll keep quiet too, if you want me.." Rose smiles, lowering her voice.

"Thanks.." She continues looking at me. I'm not sure if she believes me or not. "It means a lot!" I add with a small smile.


HEYY GUYYS!!! Sorry for not updating last Thursday, Saturday or Sunday. I completely forgot to on Thursday (but I also have a youth club), I was doing a drama thing on Saturday which, I have to say, went pretty well and I was shopping for my mum's birthday on Sunday and didn't get time to do anything.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!

Eirinn xx

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