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This chapter's a bit dramatic, just saying

I hope you enjoy it!


Tom's POV
I sit down again, knowing that everyone's probably staring at me. I giggle.

"What the hell was that?" Beth asks.

"Me being excited about having friends." I answer. Flo, Matt and Beth laugh.

"If we hang out here for much longer, will we get kicked out?" Matt asks.

"Probably, it's me first day here so I don't know but I won't be kicking you out anytime soon." Flo says. "My parents let me try this out for today, because I don't start school until next week, to see if I can work here at the weekend. But barely anyone has came in here, so I might not take it!"

"I need to go now anyway!' Matt looks around nervously. "Bye!" Je gets up with his milkshake and shortly after he's left, his ex and Chris from our school come over.

Beth and I exchange worried looks. We look at Flo, who nods, as if to say goodbye, we get up and run after Matt.

Beth's POV
"Matt come back!" Tom and I yell.

"Matt come back!" Tom screams.

"It's alright! They're gone!" I shout. We stop running, look at eachother, look back to see Matt going round the corner, and start running after him again. We run round the corner into an alleyway with lots of bin.

"Matt!" Tom whispers.

"Matt it's fine, Ellen and Chris are back there still!" I say.

"You should've stayed!" Matt gets up from behind one of the bins.

"Why?" Tom asks. "Are you okay? You looked really tired out in the café, especially when Flo mentioned James."

"Yeah! I just.. I need to tell you something. But I want Flo to hear too!"

"Okay that's fine!" I say, Matt walks over to us. "Should we go back to the café?" Tom and Matt nod, so we head back.

Matt's POV
How am I going to tell them?

We walk on until the café's in sight. The street lights are turning on now.

"Wait!" Tom sticks his arm out infront of Beth and I. We stand back. Chris and Ellen are walking out, hugging eachother.

"Great timing Thomas!" Beth says.

"Seriously?" Tom raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah! You did have good timing!" Beth smiles.

Tom rolls his eyes and pulls his arm away. "Thanks." We all walk back into the café. I push past Tom and Beth and run up to the counter.

"S'cuse me, is Flo still here?" I ask the guy behind the counter.

"Flo? Oh! Yes, she's just getting changed." He looks around the café. "You were here earlier weren't you?"

"Uh, yes!" I put my head down and walk back to Tom and Beth.

"What was that about?" Beth asks.

"I was asking where Flo was."

"Do you fancy her or some-" Tom grins.

"NO! I don't!" I sit down and fold my arms.

"Woah! Calm down princess!" Tom walks over, I turn away from him. "C'mon don't take a hissy fit! Not infront of Flo!"

"Shut up!" I mumble.

"Heyy what's wrong?"

"Princes MMatilda's having a diva fit because I asked him if he fancied you!" Tom smirks, but in a friendly way.

"Tom!" Flo sympathises.

"Okay, I'll stop now."

"Thomas!" Beth tuts. Then she slaps him in the face. "Should we go round to mine? Matt want to tell us something!"

"Okay! But why can't you tell us here?" Flo smiles.

"It's a secret.."

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