Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Oh my I can't believe he's doing this to me. What I'm the world have I done to him that is just so bad, I'm a good girl(most of the time) I listen, I don't steal, I don't drink, do drugs or go out and have sex!

At this very moment I'm sitting in my bed room because according to my father in turning into a brat.




I quickly turn the sound off so my father doesn't decide to come and take my phone, my only way to contact Ronnie.

Looking at the screen I see its Ronnie!

"Ronnie!" I say sobbing

"Alice? What's wrong why the hell are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Tell me who did it!." He says fuming

"No no one physically hurt me, it' dad again. He's sending me to my grandpa joes. Ron I can't go there and leave you! I just can't please don't let him send me away." I sob crying my eyes out.

He surprises me by telling me

"I'm coming to get you and taking you home with me."

"But he'll start a war! I can't go and be the cause of people getting hurt. It's just not fair." I tell him

"Listen to me I'm gonna stay on he phone with you while I'm on my way, and it's no ones fault but your fathers. He has it planted in his head that I'm out to hurt you." He says calming me.

"I know I said I would stay on the phone but I've got to shift, so get your stuff ready to take to my pack, no ifs ans or butts about. Okay princess?"

"Okay I'll get ready." I hang up and quickly pack anything that I think I would need.

I start to feel bad about leaving my mom in all this, but I can't do it anymore.

"Mom!" I yell downstairs

"Yes sweat heart?" She says sweatily as always.

"I love you.... And I'm gonna miss you so much mommy." I tell her hugging and crying on her shoulder.

"Oh my baby I can't stand to see you in so much pain, trust me if it was up to me I would let you be together with your mate." She says rubbing my face. I already knew this wasn't my moms fault. She's been supporting me since day one.

"Can you tell dad that I still love him so much an that I understand his reason?" I ask

"Of course Hun. Go on to your room and pack baby."

She sends me on my way.

-------------------------15mins later

Tap tap tap

What the heck? I think then remember its Ronnie.

"Come on we're leaving."

"Ron are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe I should just accept everything and go to gramps..." I say with a giving up tone

"NO! You're not leaving me. I'd die before I'd let my soul mate leave me." He says with a pained expression.

"Okay you're right baby." I say kissing him and pulling away quickly

Ronnie looks at me with a weird expression for the short kiss

"We can kiss all we want when we get to your pack." I tell him

"Our pack." He corrects smiling

"Yeah our pack." I repeat because I Love the way it sounds

"Okay you got everything you need? Okay let go." He says walking towards the window.

"Wait I need to write a note just give me a minute." I tell him while getting a pen and paper.

Dear mom and dad,

I ran away to be with Ronnie, I'm so sorry that I disobey you much too many times. But I love you guys with all my heart and I know what you're doing is what you think is best. But what I'm doing is what I think is best for myself. I'm thinking about my life and how not having then I love by my side. Daddy imagine moms dad taking her away from you, and trying to tell you guys apart l. You'd go mad without my mom and the other way around also. And that I feel, like is go mad if I left to gramps and leaving Ronnie l. But I'm sorry for fighting with you, I live you dad, I love you mom. More than you'd ever imagine. Goodbye

I fold the note up and set it down on the desk.

"Alice honey we have to go before he realizes-----" he's cut off but the locked door knob jiggling.

"Alice open the door I know someone's in there!" No hear my dad yell from the other side of the door.

"Alice let's go right now!" Ronnie whisper yells at me.

I hesitate but climb out the window. Ronnie sets the bags down on the ground outside and helps me out. He pecks my lips and says

"Shift and we can carry the bags in our mouth then run to the pack."

"Okay Ron" I tell him and he grins at me because elf the nickname I gave him.

We hear someone knock my door down so we shift and start running with my bags.

"Alice please come back!" I hear my dad yell.

I turn around to see his face and it breaks my heart. I just want to go back and hug him.

"Alice we have to go now." Ron tells me thru mind link since were in wolf form.

I look at him one more time before running towards my new pack......


Okay first I hate this chapter with a passion I think it's on of my worst. And boring. And I'm not really feeling it anymore, it might just because of I'm really excited about this new story called "My beautiful freak" I changed the name from my beautiful beast.

I would really appreciate it if y'all went to go check that one out! I really want as many view as possible.

If I get enough people reading it then I'll do a 21 question on this story(: not that exciting but it's something fun to do so y'all can get to know me.





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