Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight - "What's your favourite Disney film?"

Continuation of Monday night

Dylan's POV
Sam pushes me down. Making me sit on her bed before she goes downstairs to find something.

Obviously her parents fixed her room a bit. The posters and Justin Bieber bed sheets are gone and the drawers are white again but the walls are still pink which makes me smile.

I remember when she wanted to stay and meet Donovan and my smile widens at her interest in something I do.

But she can never meet Donovan. I'm in way too deep and she can't get involved in it.

She rushes back up with a full first aid kit with her.

"Chicken. I'm not that hurt." I say smirking.

"Shut up. This is the only medical supplies we have and I've got cuts too." She says and I instantly feel guilty. It's my fault we fell down the hill. It's my fault she's hurt.

"Chicken I'm sorry." I say lowering my head.

"Dude stop apologising! Now shut up and sit still." She says in a menacing tone and I instantly shut my mouth.

I smile as she grows more confident around me and I'm seeing the real her, I'm captivated more and more by her every day.

She wipes my cuts on my face and arms cleaning them and then putting squares of gauze on the bad ones.

"Take your top off." She says.

"Oh Chicken. I thought you'd never ask." I smirk and she glares at me which just makes me laugh.

"Shut up doofus. Your shirt's ripped so you obviously have cuts there."
She says as she looks away blushing.

She's so cute when she blushes. Get your head together Dylan! You've never once called a girl cute.

I take my shirt off and smirk as she looks at my toned muscles.

"Like what you see?" I ask.

"You wish." She retorts. Oh chicken, if only you knew.

She gets another antibacterial wipe and drags it over a deep cut from a sharp rock.

I tense and grab onto her waist harshly. She stops and flinches from the grasp I have on her waist. I release the pressure and look at her apologetically.

"Sorry." I say.

"It's okay." She says. She finishes cleaning me up and then states she's going for a shower.

But she doesn't completely close the door meaning I can see her undress in the mirror. I look at her beauty as she walks around the bathroom in her bra and underwear.

Damn she's gorgeous. Not in a stick-thin model way, in a well-rounded way that gives a guy something to hold onto.

But, trying to be a gentleman, I look away and climb out the window when she unclips her bra and starts to push her underwear down.

I'm not that much of a jerk.

Sam's POV
I walk around the bathroom setting my phone onto Spotify and turning the shower on. I remove my bra and pants and hear the slam of my window I turn and see the door slightly ajar.


Did he just see me? In my underwear? NAKED?!

There is only one logical solution to this. I'm moving to Mexico. I can't deal with the embarrassment. You may now call me Pablo.

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