Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty Three - "Epilogue"

Around 8 years later

"Hey babe." Dylan says kissing me on the back of the head while I'm preoccupied playing Far Cry 9.

"Hey." I mumble back. Obviously deciding he needs more attention that a single word he walks around the small couch to stand in front of me.

"Saunders. I love you and everything, but if you don't move out of my way I will kick you in the nuts." He grins.

"Chicken, I need to show you something." He says and I glare at him sceptically.

"I thought you had dropped that nickname."

"It's cute." He retorts before turning off the XBOX, earning many curse words and insults from me and picking me up bridal style.

"It makes me sound like I'm terrified of everything." I whine wrapping my arms around his neck for support while he carries me out of the 'office', AKA where all our games and consoles are, and though our small London flat.

"Well, we both know how wrong that is." He says grinning me and kissing my lips quickly. I whine when he pulls away but he ignores my protests.

He takes me down the corridor and towards our living room.

I jump out his arms and stand in the doorway when I see what he's set up. The coffee table has been moved to the edge of the room and a picnic blanket laid out on the carpet.

Practically all the cushions from our flat have been piled on the floor leaning against the bottom of the couch for comfort and there are a few blankets messily thrown on top of them.

In the middle of the blanket is something that makes me smile, a Domino's pizza box.

"It's like our first date." I say smiling with the nostalgia.

"Chicken." Dylan says quietly, making me turn around.

My heart stops when I see the emotion in his eyes.

"I have one more favour." He says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused and apprehensive.

"When I found out your secret, I asked you for three favours. I only used two." He says simply. "I want to collect the third."

"But that doesn't really count anymore, because everyone already knows so the secret is obsolete..." He interrupts me.

"Chicken. Shut up." He says exasperated. "I want this favour okay." He says searching in his pocket and pulling out a small box.

Okay, I lied. This is when my heart stopped, and crawled into my throat.

He gets down on one knee at stares into my eyes with such love.

"Chicken, will you marry me?" I smile, it reaching all the way into my eyes. But being me, I decide to tease him with the conversation we had when he asked me out the first time.

"What?" I say smirking. He smiles, realising I'm teasing with him.

"You heard." He says staying still.

"I might be interested." I say still smirking.

"Oh you might be interested?" He says eyebrows raised, recalling our conversation all those years ago.

"Maybe." I say, holding out my hand. He slips the rings on and I pull him up crashing my lips to those of my gorgeous, sexy, devilish bad boy.

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