C H A P T E R 17

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The next morning, I woke up in pain. The air was truly cold and I ended up sleeping inside my own wings rather than the uncomfortable bed that was in the tent. More like sleeping bed made out of rocks. Something about the air felt different, like something had lingered here and made it even more chilly overnight than when we had arrived.

Now that it was clearer at day, I could really identify the features of the place more, rather than blindly walking here and sleeping like yesterday night.

The sky was dark gray which served as a source of cheering up on our way to our doom. The floor was as green as it could get, which was probably the only aspect I found that was inviting in the middle of nowhere. There were a lot of trees surrounding us, and I had just realized we had landed in a clearing in the middle of a huge forest, away from any civilization.

"Morning." I jumped at the sound and turned around. Xavier was smiling at me as he stood up and brushed any dirt that was on his clothes.

"Hey." I smiled too, feeling my heart beat faster. I couldn't help but stare at him for a few seconds, you know, while in the moment. I mean, It's kind of hard not to.

His long-ish dark hair was a mess in his head, yet it looked like he had styled it like that. His green eyes were glinting as he stared right back at me. His arms flexed through the long sleeved sweater he had on as he walked over to me with his perfect smile I'm sure he doesn't know he even has.

As he got closer, I noticed his eyelashes were the longest things I've ever even seen in a guy. From where I stood you could see a couple of moles here and there that made him look like a Greek god. I blinked with realization and turned back to look at the trees. Right, he actually is one.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, wanting conversation I suppose.

"Am I supposed to lie about it?" I asked with a guilty smile, scrunching my eyebrows together as I turned back to look at him.

He chuckled and shook his head no.

"Good, 'cause it was hell. I had to sleep inside of these wings to not die of hypothermia." we laughed at that for a few seconds before I heard shuffling from the tent of the boys and mine.

Lory and Sebastian both came out, yawning, and as soon as Lory had her eyes locked to Sebastian's she smiled. It looked kind of like me and...

I looked at Xavier for about the gazillionth time today and nervously laughed along with him.

Well this is awkward.

"Um, I think we should wake everyone else up. There's no time to stay here like there isn't someone out to kill us." Xavier said for us to hear, as he stood up from his spot beside me and walked into the guy's tent with Sebastian. Not even seconds later, every guy was ready and outside.

Lory decided she could wake up the rest of the girls by herself, but she ended up needing me, and we ended up needing everyone else. It was sad to see the girls be the ones slacking this time. But I get it because we didn't have much sleep the night before, so this was partially my fault.

"Come on girls, you should not be hiding like this at this hour, we should get going. Plus, you'll make the guys think we're slugs when we're not." I said, trying to sound motivational, but I guess I ended up looking just as tired as them because they all just went back to sleep.

"Wake up!" Lory yelled, her hands started smoking up, and as soon as she touched any of the girls, they gladly woke up, hissing in pain. We were all filling out the smoke filled tent, coughing whilst Lory stayed behind with an astound look on her face, as she regarded her hands.

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