Chapter Two

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Sister, wake up. 

I hear a voice in my head say. It was my wolf. I didn’t want to open my eyes just yet so I kept them closed. My head hurt as if I was hit with a hammer. Once I opened my eyes, I felt dizzy. My head felt like it was being ripped apart. I sat up. I was still in wolf form. I had no idea where I was. I felt cool concrete under me. 

Oh no.

Memories of my past came to me in a flash. All the beatings and starvation. All the rape and pain I felt back then came right back as if  I was still there. 

I sat up and looked around. I was in a dark, cool room. There was bars holding me in and a bowl of meat in front of me with another bowl of water right next to it. 

I was no completely afraid and angry. My wolf tried to come out and protect me but I didn’t let her. I reminded her that We weren’t near Master anymore. We were in a new place. 

Before long, the lights were turned on and beside my cell was two new people. They were both wolves. One male, the other female. I was surprised I didn’t sense them. I blamed it all on the drugs.

“Welcome back.” The man said softly and kindly. His voice was low and rough yet smooth and light. I didn’t trust it. 

Once the world stopped spinning I looked up at them. After the drug wore off I felt their energy. The man very strong. I then knew that he was the alpha in his pack. When he stood up I began to check him out.

He was pretty tall. He was at least three inches taller than my five foot seven inch profile. He was buff but was still on the lean side. He wasn’t broad and large but was broad enough and had enough muscle that you could tell he worked out and could beat you up.

His had the perfect shade of light brown skin. His hair was short yet a little longer than military short and dark brown but a bit sun bleached. It made his light hazel, with little speckles of gold here and there, eyes pop out. His nose was a little short but straight. His mouth and not too big to too small. His chin was short and his jaw line and facial structure were strong and mature which made him look all that more handsome. 

He was also pretty young. He wasn’t even a hundred years old yet he was an alpha. That meant a lot. He is pretty young and I knew that his dad was still alive but wanted to teach his son to learn the ropes as alpha. The worst thing about being caught by this guy was that I was deeply attracted to him. I hadn’t gotten laid more than five months. My hormones would begin to go all over the place with this hot guy so close.  He was that sexy.

Whoa girl, back up, I told myself.

The girl on the other hand was about my age. Unlike the alpha, her skin was little too tan for her curly, light brown hair. Her eyes were dark blue. Her lips were thin. She had a little curves but had a semi flat chest. All in all, her looks made her seem cute and very young.

I wasn’t fazed a bit. I had seen a lot of beautiful people in my two and a half years of freedom and this pair was just like them. I didn’t feel threatened but I was mad at them for putting me in this hell hole of a cell. 

“ I want to talk to you so can you please shift so we can? My sister, here, has some clothes for you so you could change into them.” The guy says. See? He’s not that much older than me and he didn’t even talk like the old ones did.

What did he think I was? A submissive? Like hell bunnies and hellhounds I wasn't going to listen to him. I didn’t bother to look up. I just lied back down. I didn’t feel like changing since I was still hungry. I stared at the meat in front of me. I didn’t want to eat it in case it was drugged too. 

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