Chapter Eight

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I looked back at Jace once I was finished. The fact that poor nodder boy actually found out my secret was that I was a vampire actually made me nervous. I heard many wolves hated vampires so I probably knew that he was going to hate me forever. Holy hell crack, I realized that part of me would actually miss him and his hot body while another part of mw knew I could forget him, mostly, in time, like about five years or two. 

Jace’s low growl snapped me out of my thoughts. I saw that his eyes looked like a meat stew of mixed feelings. There was slices of sad and sprinkles of anger but the big T-bone of it all was betrayal. I actually felt sad and noticed that my heart was cracking a little. 

I had heard that wolves hated vampires a lot, something that was obvious but I didn’t like the thought of alpha Jace hating me. I was utterly nervous now and I didn’t know what to do. I just stood quiet, waiting for his verdict.

You lied to me.he said, his voice cracking a little. 

You’re not the only one. I replied quietly.

You used me. He told me, glaring at me as if it was my fault. Now he was crossing the line.

Hey, I didn't ask you to come, why do you think I told you to just let me go; to avoid this frigging situation but no-o, oldie wanna be couldn't get over his damn pride. So, no, it is no way in bunny hellhole is this my fault. I told him.

Yeah, I may be nervous but that made my spunky punk side come out even more. It was a crucial part for me to survive. 

Why didn’t you tell me? 

I shrugged, not really sure what to say. I didn’t look down or turn away from is angry eyes. I was now stroking rabid boy so that my hands would do something.

I told you that you should have let me go. I told him. 

He growled at me, showing me his canines. I wasn’t afraid. I was tired as a demonic blind cyclops but that didn’t mean I couldn’t kick his ass. It just meant I couldn’t kick his ass completely and efficiently. 

Jace, calm down, you know what you would have done if she told you she was part sucker.Mika said, getting in between our conversation. 

Well, at least now I knew that it was only Mika that had the balls in the pack. I slightly smiled at her but not much. She slightly went her head silently but didn’t move towards me. Her loyalties were still with poor nodder boy.

Then, Jace’s face changed completely from betrayal to disgust. He turned back to me.

my God, I had sex with a vampire. His voice was filled with horror and acid. 

I got angry then. Holy hell bell, did he just say that having sex with me wasn’t fun or good? A growl escaped my throat a little, letting Jace know how I felt. He didn’t care, his ears were flat in his head and his fur was bristling.

Well, sorry, dude but you’re not the only one, thank gosh and trust me, most of the men in my past were way better than you’ll ever be. I retorted.

He growled at me once more and stepped forward. I showed him my fangs, pissed of to Hades’ hell hole. He didn’t intimidate me. I wasn’t going to be another guy’s bitch, not anymore. 

So, you’re what, a hooker? he asked, in a very threatening voice, am I going to get AIDS?

I hissed at him. I know, not my best threat but it was all I could do. I was getting tired of that. And he knew better than that. No supernatural could get infected with human diseases, except for mages but thats a whole different story. 

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