My manager

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Omg!! I was accepted into the best music company,EVER! I'll be starting work in two day, 7 in the morning, then 4 in the afternoon to come home. Guess the name of the company!! S...S..., YES YOU GOT IT, ITS SM MUSIC!!!! ^W^

Two Days Later Amber's POV

"Umm~,"I Stretched, I looked at my alarm, and I woke up five Minutes befroe it rang!! I shut it off dressed in a button up, khakis, and dress shoes, I went down to B1 in the elevator and when I got off, I skipped to my car. I'm so excited for work, I should contain myself more, so I don't lose my job. I'm a manager ish person. Today, I'm going in so they can introduce me the person I'm supposed to look after.

I sat in the car breathed in and exhaled,and drove to work. Bro, I love Bobby, I love his way in rapping, I was listening to "Bounce" by Bobby, and man, I rapped along with it, I was in a really good mood. I arrived in fifteen minute, I still had five minute to waste, so I went and grabbed my usual coffee at Starbucks. I checked the time and I had two more minutes, I speed walked up to the elevator, when I stepped in...a very beautiful person was already in there. She had a really good faint smell of...Idk, it just smelled really good and I liked it,(I know im sounding like a stalker but still though). She was wearing sunglasses, maybe because she was lazy to do her makeup, she wore a plain white t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and the white short all star shoes.

"Hello," I said trying to break the awkward silence," The weathers great today, isn't it?" "Pft, yeah, it is," she laughed or giggled, which was really cute, I was trying to press a button but another person came and shouted at me to stop it, I put my hand in between the doors, but he was talking to someone else. I started to blush and my hands were trembling in nervousness. "Hello, I'm Krystal, I haven't seen you around here a lot, you new?" Krystal said with a shy smile, seeing that melted my heart, she is so cute!! "Hi, I'm Amber, and yes, I'm new here," I gave her a smile, sigh, such a beauty, never seen anyone like you, glad I saw you.

"You're also heading to the fifteenth floor? Since you're new do you know what you're job is?," she asked curiously, tilting her head a bit. "Yes, I'm also heading to the fifteenth floor, and my job is a manager ish thing,"i said grinning.

Ding* Ding*

"Oh were here,"I said in shock and holding my hands between the door, showing her manners, "See you around,"Krystal waved, "Alright!"

Krystal's POV

God, today is the day where a new manager is being assigned to me...hope I can get along with the new manager. How should I treat him/her at first? I thought as a handsome man walked on,"Hello, the weather is great today, isn't it? "he greeted, and when he was about to press a button until a guy shouted for the person to stop the elevator, but he wasn't talking to him. "Pft,yeah, it is," I laughed and half hoping that he is the manager because I've never seen him here. "Hello, I'm Krystal, I haven't seen you around here a lot, you new?," I asked him, and giving him a smile so he's not uncomfortable."Hi, I'm Amber, and yes, I'm new here,"he....wait, Amber? A girls name? maybe he's a girl? Oh well, won't judge, he just sent me a huge smile, no a she, she still hot though.

Amber glanced at the floors and didn't touch it, maybe she's going to the same place as I am, maybe she's my manager. "You're also heading to the fifteenth floor? Since you're new do you know what you're job is?," I asked, tilting my head to give off a curios mind."Yes, I'm also heading to the fifteenth floor, and my job is a manager ish thing,"she said grinning, aigoo, she's making it to my heart...wait I CAN'T DATE!! AHHH!! I'm SO FRUSTRATED!!!

Ding* Ding* 

  "Oh were here,"she said in shock and holding my hands between the door, showing me manners, "See you around,"I waved, "Alright!"she answered...jogging down the hall that I'm supposed to go down. "Hey, Krystal, why are you just standing there," Unnie asked, tapping my shoulders, "Nothing, just waiting for you, :D!" 

Amber's POV

I sort of jogged down the corridor to the room I needed to be in at 7:30 and it was exactly 7:30 when I reach the room. "Hello,"I greeted and bowed, I took the seat that had my name and dropped my bag down.

"Hello, Amber Liu. I'm Kim Jo Hyun, I'll be the one appointing you to your first job. We just need to wait till she's here. She is a very pretty person, but depending on her mood she'll treat you good or bad," Mr.Kim said. When the closed door opened a guy manager came in with a girl behind him...probably the girl I'm managering...It was Krystal.

I stood up bowing to her and her...stylist..idk..she bowed to the sunbias and walked over to me, offering a handshake and smiled at me, I smiled back and accepted the handshake. Just as I thought, her skin is really soft, like a babies, sigh I don't mean to sound creepy.

"Please, sit," I sort of ordered...pulling out a chair for her, she laid her hand on my shoulder then dropped it, sliding into her seat. I let the...lady that came in with Krystal sit in my seat so I was standing.

"So this is Krystal Jung, and this is Amber Liu, your manager," Mr.Kim introduced us, first pointing to Krystal then me. I whispered to her and giggled, "I didn't know I was talking to the person I was assigned to. Anyways, nice to meet you, you can call me Am, or anything you deem fit to me." "Alright," she whispered back," are you a girl or a guy? I don't mean to be mean or anything, just wondering." " I'm a girl, but don't call me unnie, I'm American so I don't like it to be too formal," I warned her, she giggled and said that she also lived in America But came back to Korea to become an Artist.
"Hey, Krystal we are going for a shoot at Nylon, we'll be a bit...hopefully," I said with doubt opening the door car, A grey Ford Escape, Krystal nodded and got into the car. I opened my door and sat in, ready to drive and I stepped on the gas.

Krystal's POV

Today, I just met a super cool person, a 'guy', but it turns out that it was a she and she's my manager. People like her will make me turn gay someday....maybe she will, sigh. Wish she was a guy though so I can just upright ask her out. The society in Korea isn't like it in America. Where we can date girls and guys, and no one judges, almost no one.

Badum* badum*

"...we are going for...oot at Nylon. We'll be a bit...hopefully," Amber said waking me up from my thoughts. Stupid heart, don't beat for her, please, you'll make it hard for me. I sat in the car, it smelt like her perfume that she was wearing, the way she was humming made me feel really sleepy, and before I knew it, I dozed off.


"Hey, babe, why aren't you waking up yet?," someone asked poking me, I opened my eyes and it was AMBER!!! WHY IS SHE IN MY DREAM!? Did I seriously fall in love with her? Please say no, I..I..i don't want it to turn out like Minho, two years ago, I don't want to have a memory in my head that hurts my heart every second.

"Come on, get up, you little brat," she smirked, I got up and ran after the her who started to run. I giggled," come back here, you stupid llama..." She does look like a llama,sigh why is she so cute?


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