1) Goodbyes

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I threw the contents of my wardrobe onto the floor and searched frantically. It had to be somewhere. Finally I resorted to getting on my hands and knees and searching through the mess I called a wardrobe. Through the endless pile of underwear and hangers I spotted a glimpse of silver. Like a hawk swooping on its prey I grasped it. Always, it read. I fiddled with its chain and shivered at the memories it bought back, both pleasant and painful. I slipped it on and closed the latch around my neck. This necklace was more than just a piece of metal, it meant something far greater to me. He had given it to me along with a promise that we would be forever eachothers.

"Mia, i hope you've finished packing," called my father, snapping me back to reality.

"Nearly," I fibbed.

Today was the day my life uprooted for the second time, the first being three years ago. Dad had been offered a managing position in Sydney and it was his dream job. He'd asked me if he should take it and i'd of course said yes. I had already caused him so much pain, merely my being born, though he'd never admit it. Back then, I'd been Mia Taylor, the chubby kid. With my bad sense of humour and spot prone face i had never really belonged anywhere. I had also been completely in love with my best friend and fellow outcast, Jay Anderson.

Not much had changed in terms of appearances over the past three years. As i prepared to leave back home to Britain I glanced at the mirror. Now, I was Mia Taylor, minus a few kilos and a somewhat clearer face. If possible, my lack of self esteem had become much smaller. However, one thing remained completely unchanged, I was still hopelesly in love with Jay. Only one question remained.

Did he still feel the same?

"Mia, you have thirty minutes to get down here, or i'm coming up and trust me you will not like it," Dad screamed. This always happened to him in highly stressful situations.

It was just Dad and me at home. My Mum had run of the shortly after giving birth to me. Dad'd told me I was better of without her, but I could see the sparkle in his eyes and how they lit up when ever he spoke of her. This guilt consumed me every day, so i tried to be the perfect daughter to him, to somehow compensate for driving the love of his life away. Dad would never confess to this, but he missed her with all his heart; Anyone could see it.

"Coming Dad," I answered guiltily.

I unzipped my suitcase faster than lightning and began to panic as I looked around the room and realised the disaster zone it was. Desperatley, I started to hurl everything within arms reach into my suitcase, whilst trying to get dressed at the same time. Not an easy task, I assure you.

Three suitcases, two bruises and fifteen minutes later I was fully packed. My whole life had been packed into three measly bags. I was a girl of very little possesions.

"Dad, would you please help me to bring the suitcases down?" I panted.

A minute later I heard footsteps approach. Dad poked his head around my door and taking one look at my sweaty, bright red face he asked me with an annoyingly knowing tone,"You've just finished packing haven't you?" 

Excercise and me certainly do not agree.

Smirking, Dad heaved the heaviest suitcase down the stairs and into the car, whilst I followed with the two lighter one. 

"Ready to go?" Dad asked. 

"Just a moment," I told him. 

"I'll be in the car, just don't be long,"

I took the stairs two by two and raced towards my bedroom. Looking around, there was so much pain along with happiness written on the walls. My bedroom had once been the place I felt safest. The walls had comforted me and held me together when it had seemed the whole world was against me.

From outside, I heard the impatient honk from the car. 

"Goodbye," I whispered to the empty room, with a single, lone tear rolling down my cheek.

Slowly,I walked back down trying to take in each detail. This had not just been a house, it was my home. I opened the front door and whispered goodbye for the last time.

As I stepped out, I closed a chapter of my life and began a hopefully better, and more exciting one.


Thank you so much for reading, please vote and comment, it really means a lot to me.

I'd love for you to tell me what you thought of it, good or bad, I don't mind.

Consructive criticism is always good. ;)

Also please comment to tell me if I should even continue with the story.


Thank you,


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