Chapter Thirty Eight.

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The car slowly rolled to a stop in the driveway of Sophie's home after a long ride filled with nothing but awkward silence. Harry shifted into park and turned the key in the ignition, killing the engine. It was even more quiet once the radio ceased.

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel uncomfortably, lips smacking before he spoke. "Uh, wait there for a second. I'll walk you to the door."

She didn't respond, though she did honor his request by staying in her spot as he climbed out of the car to cross around to her side. He popped the door open and stepped to the side to allow her to let herself out, her bare feet meeting the slightly damp pavement that hadn't yet dried from the sprinklers. The door clicked shut behind her as he gently placed his hand on her back to help guide her up the pathway to the door.

All lights were off in the house aside from one on the second floor, which Sophie knew to be her parents bedroom. They wouldn't be going to sleep until they knew she was safe in her bed.

Standing on the front stoop of Sophie's home underneath the dim glow of moonlight, Harry stood aside as he regarded her with a caring expression. "I had a nice time tonight," he admitted. "You know, before..."

"Yeah." Sophie weakly smiled, "I did too."

Guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he cast his eyes down at the cement steps he stood on in shame. "I'm sorry I ruined it."

"I told you not to say sorry."

"I know," he breathed. His eyes caught on hers, rimmed with streaky makeup from the tears she'd shed. "But I can't walk away without saying it. I truly am sorry."

She simply pressed her pink lips together in a tight line and let out the softest of sighs. She didn't accept his apology, but she also didn't shoot it down. It hung in the still air of the night between the two, hopeful eyes staring into hurt ones. He decided then he shouldn't have said it, perhaps he should've listened to what she had to say for once. His face fell when he realized he was selfish.

He wanted to apologize again for the way he'd acted, how he treated her, and how he ignored her feelings for the benefit of his own, but he held it inside. He would show her how sorry he was with his actions, not his words. "This doesn't have to be it, though," he spoke. "Maybe I could take you for dinner sometime? Just me and you?"

Sophie's gaze wandered, all of her heart screaming at her to say yes, but her mind telling her the complete opposite. He'd hurt her, she thought. She had to say no. She should've said no, but she didn't. She followed her heart. "Okay."

A pleasant surprise that had a delighted grin tugging on Harry's lips. He felt relieved knowing she was willing to give him a second chance, even if he'd be dead before he got the chance to use it. The looming threat of Sophie telling her parents what happened meant his own finding out as well, and he knew that'd be the end of him.

If you had one day left on Earth, how would you spend it? He'd spend his trying to make up for his wrongdoings.

"Do you really want to or are you just agreeing to be nice?" Harry asked, worried she'd only say she'd go to make him feel better. She was the type to put other's feelings before her own.

"I really want to." She took him by surprise when she reached out to gently brush her fingertips against his arm, "I think we need a do-over."

"I owe you one," Harry admitted.

Sophie shook her head, "Don't take me if it's to even the score."

"It's not," he immediately assured her. "I promise it's not."

A small lopsided grin showed on her face as she looked up into his eyes, "Then it's settled."

"Thursday?" Harry tried, but she shook her head.

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