Chapter Ninety.

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"Alright, that was the last one," Aubry spoke as she rolled off his body to splay her front flat against the mattress.

The third round had ended, and Harry was exhausted. "Yeah, I'm done," he breathed, brushing sweaty hair off his forehead.

They'd been gone for over an hour and a half and no one had come looking for them yet. He rolled onto his side to face her, and immediately he was shut down before the thought even got a chance to cross his mind first. "Don't touch me, it's too hot."

His hand splayed across her rear end anyway, left with a red hand print that matched his palm perfectly. His fingers squished into the flesh and dragged up her spine, fingertips gentle, hardly there, when it ghosted over her skin. "I love you."

"Me or my ass?"


Despite her demands, he leaned in to kiss her shoulder blade. Her eyelids fluttered closed as his skin made contact, blocking out the view of rustling leaves through the window. The sound of the trees soothed her instantly, especially with his delicate touch smoothing over her spine. The ends of his hair tickled her skin and he settled down to lay just beside her, keeping watch on his fingers while they dragged along the supple skin along the curvature of her back. Fingernails grazed her skin upward between her shoulders, and back down again to move across her hips, Aubry's body falling limp from his relaxing touch and multiple orgasms.

The sound that disrupted the song of the birds was Aubry's phone ringing, which immediately caused her to tense. She groaned into the sheets before she ever moved. Perching herself to her knees, she strained to reach over the edge of the bed for where her phone sat, ringing loudly and vibrating on the countertop. She looked to the screen as she settled back on her bottom, and her voice turned pleasant when she answered the call.

"Hello?" Harry heard the muffled sound of a man's voice from the other line. "This is her."

He sat back and listened to one end of the conversation with confusion. Confused by her fake friendly voice, and confused why a strange man would be calling her in the middle of the day.

His hand clasped onto her thigh, silently reminding her of his presence because he was still horribly insecure, and he waited patiently for her to stop talking just to hear the man's voice again. The muffled tone of his voice came with a long pause of hers while she listened to what he had to say. She nodded along, despite the person on the other side not being able to see. When she said, "I'm moving in August," he got the gist of what was happening. Their eyes locked for half a second before she turned her attention to her fingernails, and Harry waited more until after goodbyes were shared and her phone was placed on the sheets.

"What was that?"

"A rental company in New York," she explained, her back colliding with the sheets once again.

His head tilted up to look at her, "You're not staying in a dorm?"

"No. I'd hate that."

The reminder weighed Harry down, his mood suddenly dampening at the thought. "I still don't know what I'm going to do," he confessed, pulling the sheet to cover his naked body. "I haven't even thought about it, I've just been pushing it off."

She paused while she thought, looking down on him. Her fingers reached to push fallen curls away from his eyes. "What do you want to do?"

He still didn't know. He hadn't done enough soul searching to know his true wants, and he'd spent so much time doing what others wanted him to do that he'd lost touch with his own desires. He'd only ever wanted what others wanted for him, but the one conclusion he had managed to come to was he didn't want that anymore. He didn't want to live for others, he wanted to live for himself. The issue was he didn't know how.

Note To Self (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now