Chapter Fifty Five.

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First thing on Harry's list of things to do when he got home was to unpack and hide the evidence that he'd even left at all. Gemma's flight in from Vegas had touched down at noon, and she'd already been home for a short time before Harry set foot through the door. Bags were lugged into the foyer and dropped to the floor with a huff, while Winnie traipsed off into the home.

Gemma had been completely unaware of his arrival until she found him in the kitchen crouched down in front of the cabinet where Winnie's food was kept. He was busy returning Winnie's items back to their original places, his back turned to her as the dog's snout rested over his shoulder to keep a nose on everything he did. She attempted to grab a pouch of treats between her teeth, her lips nibbling gently on his fingers where he held onto the plastic and he swatted her away, "No."

He didn't notice his sister's presence until the cabinet was closed and his knees straightened to stand. He turned, and startled. Gemma smirked, just the same as the one Harry's face always seemed to adorn. "Have fun?"

"Yeah," he breathed as he reached to the counter where a few more items were kept to return to where they belonged. "You?"

"It was alright," she admitted, while her eyes locked onto the yellow item clasped in his palm. "That an apple?"

Wordlessly, Harry tossed the fruit over and she caught it with ease. "Just alright?"

"It's a little sucky being twenty in Vegas." The crunch of her teeth sinking into the golden apple took up the time between her sentences. She chewed, and lips smacked around the deliciousness. "Very limited what you can do."

She had a bad habit of stuffing her cheeks full with food while she talked, just as Harry did. "What'd you do all week?"

Gemma came to stand at the end of the counter, leaning her hip against the edge. "Tourist things and spent a lot of time in the hotel. What'd you do?"

"Hung out," he answered simply. His body stretched to reach high in the cabinets above to return a box of half full Berry Berry Kix cereal. "Have you ever seen The Conjuring?"



The cabinet door bumped shut after Harry pushed it closed, and he turned to have a conversation with his sister. A civil one, for a change of pace. Mom and dad didn't return home until all of Harry's unpacking was finished and he'd shut himself in the bathroom with Winnie to wash off the stink she'd accumulated over the week from endless swimming and rolling in dirt. The time was just past five, the dog was coated in white suds, and Harry was speckled with water from the times she would shake and spray him with it from head to toe. 

The door was pushed open behind him and he heard his mother's voice through the running water as he used the detachable shower head to rinse off the dog's back. "Hellooo," she called, and the sound caused him to peek over his shoulder with a smile.

"Hey!" He straightened up in his sitting position on the side of the tub and wiped the water droplets on his forehead onto his shirt sleeve. A wet kiss was placed on his cheek and she peered into the bathtub at the dripping dog.

"Bath time?" Her hands leaned on his shoulders, "Was going to send you out to help your father carry in the bags, but you're busy."

Winnie's tail was wicking water through the bathroom as it wagged, her nose pushing its way past Harry's knee in attempt to sniff the woman. Her fingers hardly grazed the top of her wet snout as a greeting. Not wanting to be covered in loose wet fur like Harry's hands were, she decided to not pet her anymore.

"I'll be done in a few minutes and then I'll be down," Harry stated.

"Make it quick and clean yourself up," she spoke. "We're going to dinner."

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