Dying in your arms- Malia Tate

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Sometimes the whole world is against you and things don't just go your way. And today that's exactly what happened.
You didn't really know how or when it happened or who did it. But what you could see was a black shadow coming towards you and stabbing you right near your heart. But that was enough to make you fall to the ground and fell into unconsciousness. At first you thought you weren't dying, you couldn't feel any pain. You felt fine, but thats when you heard her screams and her cries begging you not to leave her and to stay. And at that moment you knew that you were dying.
*2 hours earlier*
"Malia, we need to go help Scott." You said to her and grabbing your weapons and bag for tonight.
"I don't want you fighting, i have a bad feeling about this." Malia whispered, nibbling slightly at your ear. You giggle at the touch and shove her off you.
"It's okay. We'll be fine and we'll make it." You reassured her and then the both of you went out the door.
The both of you arrived at the school and started preparing. If there was things coming to attack you, you had to be ready. You grabbed a necklace that your grandma gave you and held it into your hands. You looked over at Malia and smiled. You really loved her, she was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
"Hey Malia." You called for her and starts walking towards her.
"I want to give you this." You say grabbing her hands and opening them. You putted the necklace into her hands and closed her hands for her.
"What's this?" She asked looking at you shocked and then looking down at the necklace.
"My grandma gave it to me when she died and now i'm giving it to you. It's to protect you for tonight. I want you to be careful and in one piece." You answered her and giving her a smile.
"You need it to protect yourse-"
"I don't need it. I want you to be safe and don't worry i'll be okay." You cutted her off and gave her a hug which she gladly returned.
During the fight everything went downhill, the chimeras were much stronger than you and the rest of the pack. You were fighting one of them when you saw a chimera threw a knife straight for Malia. There is no way in hell that Malia is going to die tonight. So you did something that would probably kill you and it wad the stupidest thing ever. You jumped infront of Malia, pushing her out of the way, and instead you got stabbed by a knife. You fell to the ground and felt a massive pain in your stomach.
"Noo!!" You hear Malia scream and she ran towards you and hold you into her arms. "Hey hey, stay awake." She cried, tapping your cheeks lightly
"I am awake." You giggle but ended up coughing. "How bad is it?" You asked her.
"Well there's a fucking knife inside of you." Malia said sarcastically.
"Atleast i'm still talking to you right?" You coughed and feeling more tired than ever.
"Please let me take some pain away." She quickly said and grabbing your hands. You stopped her and gave her a weak smile.
"I'm not in pain, i'm okay."
"You are not okay! You are dying!" Malia yelled and growled a little, tears streaming down her face.
"Atleast i'm dying in the love of my dreams arms, right?" You joked, trying to enlighten the mood. You would be the only person doing that when you were dying.
"Stop, it's no time for jokes." Malia said in a serious tone, and you looked at her face and taken all her features in. She was the most beautiful girl ever and you were lucky that she was yours. You were happy with everything. You had Malia, you had the pack. You had everything you ever wanted. So you could say that you're dying happily and in peace.
"Please don't die on me, please don't. Scott can bi-"
"Don't say anything, Malia. Just hold me. I wanted to live in your arms, but it wasn't meant to be. So let me die in them. It's the only happiness I'll ever know now." You said weakly, trying to give her a smile. You're trying desperately not to close your eyes.
"Stay awake, the ambulance is getting here." She sobbed louder, crying in your shoulders.
"When they get here i'm already dead." You said, falling into darkness really quickly.
"I love you and always will." You mumbled before your whole world went black. She started sobbing and screaming before Stiles took her away from your body.
When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left. It's the mind playing back the persons memories in a dream sequence. In those 7 minutes you get to see all of your life one more time. Your mom face when you were born, the day you met your amazing friend, the day you knew you fell in love with Malia. Those were the best 7 minutes of your lifes, and you couldn't be happier. You'll always look out for Malia and the pack. You're their guardian angel now. And you'll always will be.

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