I thought you were a myth pt.8- Derek Hale

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You decided to avoid the feeding frenzy that ensued once Stiles placed the donuts on the table, and continued to make the coffee instead. Standing right beside you, leaning against the counter, Derek was labeling the freshly washed mugs, smirking a bit as he grabbed that damned fuschia marker and mumbled as he wrote, "Abominable Snowman." Seeing your raised eyebrow in his peripheral, he glanced up at you, still smiling. "It's a long story. Stiles, here's your cup."
You just nodded, humming in agreement as you went back to the coffee. Quickly glancing, you saw nicknames on all the mugs, ranging from "Mini Hale", which you assumed was Malia, to "Foxy", which made you grin when you saw Kira take it with a smirk and a blush. Liam took one dubbed "Tiny", Isaac's saying "Smartass", Lydia pursed her lips when she read "Shopaholic" on her mug, and Scott growled playfully with an eye roll at being dubbed "Puppy".
"What is up with you? I have known you forever and I don't think I have seen you this.... Whatever the hell it is.... Well, ever. Are you feeling okay?" You asked Derek, putting a hand to his forehead playfully.
"Fine, fine," he glanced up at your hand and swatted it away, chuckling. "Just embracing a day of relative silence with a much needed release of sarcasm from my system." He had a devious grin as he handed you your mug marked "Miguel".
You almost choked on your coffee when you noticed his mug read, "Supreme Alpha of Awesome".
Peter's mug sat untouched, and you saw Derek follow your gaze, snarling when he saw it. Grabbing it angrily, he swiped a line through the name and wrote underneath, "Asshole", before setting it down again.
A snort of laughter made Derek look at you with a smirk, but it soon melted into something more serious. "Hey," he put a hand on your arm, and a warm, reassuring feeling washed over you. "I know we need to know a few things. You want some answers, and the rest of us need some answers, but.... Are you sure you want to just delve into all this? Remember what your mom used to always say?"
You sighed, feeling his thumb trace over your arm gently, the murmur of bickering over pastries faint in the background as you eyed Peter's cup with a nod. "'The devil's in the details'."
You had come home in a foul mood. Derek had ignored you all of a sudden. After years of being one of his best friends, suddenly he had clammed up, and was practically ignoring you.
A soft knock came to your bedroom door, and it opened a crack to reveal your mother, a cautious but warm smile on her face. "You okay, Honey?"
You sighed, which made her laugh gently.
"Mind if I come in?"
Another sigh as you fell back on your bed was all the answer she needed.
"What's wrong?" She stood just inside your room, leaning a shoulder on the doorframe.
"I may be your mother, but I need more to go on than that."
A frustrated sigh escaped your lips, and your mom chuckled an "oh" in understanding. You stared up at the ceiling as you spoke, your arms gesturing wildly. "He is suddenly ignoring me, and it annoys me. But I'm more annoyed at myself that I find it so annoying. It all just combines into this giant ball of.... Annoyance. God! Why is he being so...."
"Annoying?" Your mom tried, smirking.
"For lack of a better word, yes," you said smugly, trying to contain your grin. "I mean, I know things with he and Paige are getting kind of serious, but, it was never an issue before. Am I suddenly 'that girl'? The one who hangs around with her friend and makes the girlfriend jealous? Because if so, I just wish he would tell me. I don't mind. I get it." You paused your rambling, your voice quieting. "I've seen the way he looks at her."
Your mother sighed. "I know this is rough. I'm sorry. But, try not to analyze it so much. Just give him some space, and see if he comes to you. Don't look too closely, because like I always say.... The devil's in the details."
Derek grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze pulled you back. He had a curious look in his eye, and it almost looked sad. But before you could question it, you cleared your throat, plastering on a smile. "Yes, I know." You squeezed his hand back before releasing it, cradling your mug in both hands as you leaned against the counter opposite him, studying the wall behind him.
"But this time I am the details." You met his eyes once more, his face void of emotion as you continued. "I am the devil, so to speak."
His eyes studied your face, and you looked down to your mug, watching the steam rise before fading away. "We live in a world of so many rules and regulations, hell, even our grey areas have details, me being one example." You felt the group begin to listen in, slowly crowding around the kitchen, but you continued on.
"Becoming a True Alpha required me to reach certain set standards. The story of how I got there is full of details, from the irony of the silver arrows the hunters used, even though they know it does no good, all the way to finding my way back to the place where it all fell apart to begin with, only to find a loft full of details, and the memories of others." You looked back up to Derek, then began to look at the others as you spoke, taking in their faces, measuring their response.
"Our whole life is made up of details, whether we like them or not. I am choosing to face mine, look them right in the eye, and let my demons see - I'm not afraid of them anymore. They don't define me. So why on earth would I let them have the honor of scaring me?"
You looked back to Derek, your voice softer now, carrying a hidden emotion only he could sense. "It's time they know what it feels like to be haunted. Yes, the devil's in the details, and that devil's name is me. And today I'm going to give them a new story to tell. Mine. I haven't finished writing it yet, hell, I haven't even hardly started, but by the time I'm done, whenever that may be, I'll tell you right now, it's gonna be epic."
Derek was grinning at you, and you couldn't help but match it. Turning to the group, you could sense a wave of confidence roll through them.
"That was phenomenal," you heard Stiles' voice break through the group, a wide grin on his face. "And I'm honestly terrified for Peter's sake. But, and not to be a buzzkill or anything, we need to head to Deaton's."
Everyone nodded and slowly made their way out of the loft. "Just let me change real fast," you said, setting your mug down, and turning toward the bathroom that had your clothes from yesterday.
"Why don't you ride with me, Y/N?" Stiles' voice stopped you, and you turned to face him, bracing your hand on the doorframe of the bathroom. "Derek can lay in the backseat of the Jeep, so no one sees his face and connects the dots. If for some reason we have to talk to anyone, or we pull up at a stoplight, you are just a girl in my car. The hunters don't have a picture of you or anything, right?"
You shook your head. "Not that I know of. Unless they went into my family's house, which they probably did. So, it's possible."
"Okay. Well, with me you will turn less heads than with Derek, who the hunters around the globe could sketch blindfolded. They won't be looking for me, so just wear a pair of sunglasses, and flip down the visor or something if we pull up beside a car at a stoplight on the way there."
You noticed the loft had emptied, and quickly glancing at Derek, you agreed. "Sounds like a plan."
Stiles smiled. "Great! I'll meet you guys down there. Can I take this blanket for the back seat?" He asked Derek, pointing to the throw on the couch, taking it when Derek just rolled his eyes, before he disappeared, his footsteps fading down the staircase.
Turning to look at Derek, you found him right in front of you, making you jump. "God! I forgot how quiet you are. Why are you looking at me like that?"
He smiled like a teenager. "Finally. I thought they would never leave. I've been waiting since they all showed up."
You chuckled. "Waiting for what? Silence to brood in once again?"
He smirked. "No, smartass." He was suddenly much closer than you realized, and it was a struggle to remember how to breathe. His arms wrapped gently around your waist as he came closer still. "I've been waiting for them to leave. So I could do this."
The kiss was gentle, calm, almost tentative, and it brought you back to the first kiss you ever had. But inside your mind, the invisible tether between you and him cinched significantly tighter, making up for the slight sag in tension over the years, the mark on your neck feeling like it buzzed just underneath your skin.
Pulling away, he leaned his forehead against yours, and looking into his eyes, a goofy smile on both your faces, you knew all that lost time had made up for itself in that one moment. Fate still had your souls tied together, and you could only hope that knot never had to be undone.

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