Mute pt.3- Liam Dunbar

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"Are you sure it's a good idea to have the pack meeting at your house? I mean Y/N probably doesn't want guests at this time." Scott asked through the phone. Stiles nodded in response but then realized that his bestfriend couldn't see it.
"Yes it's okay. She's already asleep. Just keep that beta of yours under control and we'll be fine" he joked while he took out the garbage.
"Fine. See you in 5″ Scott said and hung up. Stiles walked back inside and waited for the pack to show up.
"i can't wait for the concert it's gonna' be great" Y/N said, while driving. Amelia agreed.
"Let's turn on the radio, shall we?" She reached forward and turned it on, a familiar song playing. "Oh it's our song!" Amelia smiled and began singing along, swaying her hands in the air. Y/N laughed and joined in on the singing. It was dark outside, the carlights and the moon were the only sources of light.
Suddenly Amelia stopped and stared at something further down the road.
"Y/N what is that?" She asked and Y/N followed her gaze. An unknown figure had appeared on the road, its glowing eyes staring right at the blue car. Y/N spotted it too late. She tried to stop the car but their speed was too high. Amelia screamed as Y/N tried to steer the car away from the thing. The tires screamed as the car drove off the the road and finally landed in a ditch. The screaming stopped, and Y/N could hear her own heart beating in her ears. Blood was running down her face, but it was like she couldn't focus on anything. Her head was throbbing with pain and the world seemed to be spinning. She looked over at her bestfriend only to see her being ripped out of the car by an arm.
Y/N screamed, the sound echoing through the woods. She tried to get out but she was still dizzy. Outside she could hear Amelia screaming at the top of her lungs and the creature growling. Y/N managed to crawl out of the car. That's when she noticed how quiet it had gotten. She got up on her feet and placed a hand against the car, preventing herself from falling. She stumbled to the other side, terrified to find her bestfriend dead on the ground, her body covered in blood. She covered her mouth with her hand, to silence a scream, tears running down her cheeks.
She looked up and stared right into the eyes of the creature. Y/N ignored the dizziness she was feeling and began running the opposite direction. She wasn't very fast and she couldn't see much as she was making her way further into the forest, the beast following. Her mind and heart were racing and she knew she was going to die. The figure caught up to her and she saw a glimpse of his face before everything got black.
They were halfway through the meeting when they heard it. Someone crying upstairs. "Is that Y/N?" Scott asked, using his werewolf senses. Stiles immediately got up. He raced upstairs and into her bedroom, the pack following right behind. Y/N was asleep, tears running down her face and her body moving from side to side. She was having another nightmare. Stiles remembered she used to have them before she went away, but he didn't think they'd come back.
"Y/N it's me Stiles. It's just a nightmare, please wake up" He sat down on the bed and tried to gently shake her awake.
"Does this happen often?" Liam asked, appearing next to her bed.
"It hasn't in a long time" Stiles replied and took her hand in his, squeezing it. "Please Y/N. Wake up" She woke with a gasp, trying desperately to breathe. Her heart was racing from the dream and Stiles pulled her into his arms, comforting her. He rubbed circles on her back while she sobbed. "It was just a dream" he whispered, which caused Y/N to shake her head.
"It wasn't a dream. It was a memory" she signed, looking right into her brother's eyes. She then looked away and noticed the group of people in the doorway. Y/N blushed when she realized they'd probably seen the whole thing. She recognized Scott, Kira and Lydia but not the other girl or the boy standing next to her bed.
"Y/N this is Malia and Liam" Stiles said and nodded towards the two strangers. Y/N raised her hand in a awkward hello, while the others said hi.
"I didn't know you had people over" Y/N turned back to Stiles.
"I figured you wouldn't care since you were asleep." he replied.
"I don't. I was just surprised to see them here in my room."
"Well we heard you crying from downstairs and came to see if you were okay."
"Thanks but I'm okay now." Y/N smiled.
"Maybe we should go?" Scott spoke up, interrupting the talking sibings. "You probably want to sleep" Y/N shrugged.
"Tell them it was nice meeting them, although this is not how I planned for it to happen." She told her brother who nodded.
"Alright guys, let's go back downstairs" Stiles said and kissed Y/N on the forehead before walking out with the rest of the them.
"Is it okay if I stay?" Liam suddenly asked which caused Stiles to stop in his tracks.
"Why?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I just want to talk to her" Stiles sighed.
"Fine, but no funny business. Is that clear?" Liam nodded.
"Wouldn't dream of it" He turned and walked back inside Y/N's room, the rest of the pack walking away.
Y/N looked up at the boy. He seemed to be her age, with brown hair and light blue eyes.
"I'm Liam. But you already knew that" he said awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. Y/N raised her hand to respond, when she realized that he wouldn't understand her. She held up a finger, telling him to wait while she searched for the gift Stiles had gotten her a few days before. She found it on the desk and grabbed it, writing a short answer.
"I'm Y/N. But you already knew that" Liam smiled. "I'm sorry to ask, but why are you here?" she then wrote, holding up the board for him to read.
"I used to have nightmares too" he said. He was about to mention the night he became a werewolf, but he then realized that she didn't know about the supernatural. "I know how it feels to wake up, struggling to breathe in the middle of the night. The fear of falling back asleep." He said. Y/N moved aside so that he could take a seat next to her on the bed. Liam carefully took it.
"I'm sorry" she wrote in blue. "What were the dreams about?" Liam bit his lip.
"I dreamed about people chasing me through the woods. I could never get away, they would always catch me in the end and I would wake up screaming." He looked away from her.
"I dream about the worst night in my life" She wrote, showing him the board. Liam looked at it before looking back up at her.
"You want to talk about it?" He asked softly. She shook her head.
"I can't" Liam nodded.
"That's okay" He didn't know much about the accident just that Y/N had lost her voice. Stiles apparently didn't know much either.
"Thank you" she replied, giving him a shy smile. She then looked away from him and he could hear her heart beating in her chest. Y/N wrote something down on the board and gave it to him. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" He nodded in response, a small blush appearing on his face. He was thankful for the room being kind of dark or else she would have noticed his rosy cheeks. Y/N got under the covers and sighed as she placed her head on the pillow. Liam stayed seated next to her.
"Goodnight Liam" she wrote, before yawning.
"Goodnight Y/N"

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