Chapter 1: All That You Can't Leave Behind

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*Author's Note: Hey guys! Those to my fellow readers, how are your days/nights/afternoons/whatever going? If you're just starting to read Stalked and Rejected, it may start off slow at first, I don't know. Haha :)

Once this story is completed, I'm going back and editing parts that I thought should've been more clearly explained.

I loveeeee comments, knowing how much you love this story! I also like criticism, like I had one commenter tell me that he liked me having the main girl character kick ass but then he got all pissed that I made her into a softie.

You'd just have to keep reading to know what I mean!

Okay, okay. Enough with my rambling. Enjoy!*

Chapter 1: All That You Can't Leave Behind

We keep moving forward, 

opening new doors, 

and doing new things,

because we're curious

and curiosity keeps leading us

down new paths.


Flashback: One year ago.

Even though I was shaking like a fucking cold chihuahua, I carefully snuck my head in front of the window, with my fingers holding the blind folds of the window open as big enough as I could see everything that was happening.

"I want her. Where is she?" The big man demanded my dad who was shielding my mom away from him.I looked at the people surrounding him and they were all of the same build. Huge, scary, and death looking. "Give her to me now or you will face the consequences."

"I will not give you my only daughter! She is only 15! Why do you have to take her?! She did nothing wrong to you or to your family. What is done has been done. She has no part in this!" I could tell that my dad was struggling to keep his wolf from taking over. I could see him shaking in anger and fear at the same time. My mom, you ask? Well, she's about one snap away from collapsing.

I had to give everything I had not to run down the stairs and go help my mom. She looked like she was ready to pass out from the wounds that were given to her. That was a quick beating that she got when she got downstairs. But it wasn't anything compared to the wounds that my dad had.

"She is everything I need." The big man growled at my dad. "Without her, I will be nothing. Nothing!"

"What exactly do you need her for?! If you two were mates, you would have known by now, but since you two are not, I would appreciate it if you stayed away from her. Away from us! Away from my family!" My dad growled through his teeth. I could see his canines about to pierce his gums.

"What I need with her doesn't concern you. But let me tell you this: you took something from my family and I long time ago and now I just need your precious daughter to complete the line of things to make me the most powerful Alpha in the world." He paused as he had a huge smirk on his face. "You leave me no choice. I will find her. I will get her. And she will be mine. Do you hear me? She is mine. No matter what." The big man said before I saw him rip my father and mother's heads off.

But before he ripped off my mother and father's head, they mind-linked me the same thing. "Grab your brother and run. Run as far as you can. Do not stop. We love you."

I let out a silent gasp and covered my mouth with my hands. How dare he! How dare he murder my parents just because he wanted me for his games?! I wanted to run after my parents who were laying on the ground, but if I did, that man would take me away. I couldn't leave Liam to fend for himself, he's only 9 months old!

"Alpha, what should we do with these bodies?" One of his men came up to him. He looked menancing. He had this cold stare that would probably make me feel like a small animal, standing next to him.

"Dispose of them. Or you can throw them in front of their Alpha's house to show them that we aren't kidding." The big man said, looking bored already. "Oh and Viktor? Find the girl."

My feet had a mind of their own, mostly to the help of fear and I quickly got up on my feet and dashed for my brother's room. I looked at his sleeping face, so innocent, so young. I could not let him get hurt. I'm going to make that promise and keep that promise.

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