Chapter 15: The Games That Play Us

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*Author's Note: HEY GUYS. Sorry that this is such a long update. It's been an agonizing last 8 days! Writing four different papers and studying for four different finals. I have two finals left to go, and since I'm going to take this weekend to study for them, I decided that I was going to update today, to hold you guys off until Wednesday or Thursday, when I update next! (Hopefully).

Are there any of you who can do book covers? I've recived one and I wanted to do like a contest of all of the book covers and the one that I like the most will recieve a dedication and a shout out to tell readers to give your story a try! Only if there are people who would participate. Lol. Probably not, but worth a try.

This chappy is a little short. I wanted to end it where it was and not make it like a 10 page on here, like I had 9 pages the previous chapter.

Also, I wanted to ask if you like the mulitple POV's or not! Tell me your feedback on the multiple POV's like I did with both part 1 and 2 of chappy 14.

I also want to give a heads up, that there is only two chappys left. The ending and the epiloge is coming up. The ending is going to be the longest chappy up to date, with it tying everything up. 

I may or may not break it into two parts, I would see where I'd want to break it off. The epiloge is going to be short, probably 1-2 pages introducing the future.

OKAY OKAY. I should probably shorten up these author's notes, but they're the only thing that gets through all of the readers, instead of just the ones who follow me :)*


Chapter 15: The Games That Play Us


At some point, 

you have to realize 

that some people 

can stay in your heart,

but not in your


            I screamed in pain, as I felt Thomas’s canines piercing through my skin. I could slowly feel Eric’s mark dissolving away and being replaced by Thomas’s. I tried to wiggle out of Thomas’s grasp, but it wasn’t working. It only caused more pain with his contact with my skin.

            “Stop it!” I yelled out, trying to keep Eric’s claim still present. It was no use. It was fading. My eyes started to gloss over, knowing that now I won’t be able to contact anyone from my pack.

            “Jack? Can you hear me?” I tried to mind link.

            No answer.

            “Nat? What about you? Are you there? Can you near me?”

            No answer.

            I don’t even know if Eric is awake or not, but I’d give it my best shot. “Eric, baby, are you there? Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

            No answer.

            “Don’t give up hope. You know that they’d do anything to get you back. But I hope they’re not too late…”Viv’s voice resonated in my head.

            Knowing what Viv was leading off on, I stiffened. I haven’t thought about how I’d go about that…plan.

            Once he finally looked up from devouring my neck, he smiled down at me. I gripped my bleeding neck and he spoke up once again.

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