Chapter 4: Let The Reigns Go Loose

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*Author's Note: If this chapter is short, I apologize in advance. Chapter 5 has already been written and I'll be posting it two days from now, so this Thursday and I promise that it will be longer! It's six pages on word!*

Chapter 4: Let The Reigns Go Loose

Here's all you have to know about men and women:

Women are crazy and men are stupid.

And the main reason 

that women are crazy is

because men are stupid.


I didn't make eye contact with Eric but I could see from the corner of my eye that he was gripping his desk like his life depended on it. He looked furious that I was with Jack. But Jack would be nothing more than a friend, and he knows that. He's my rejected mate for hell's sake! He has no reason to be mad. The only person who should be mad should be me! He was the one who rejected me before he even got to hear my back story and before he even got to know me. I should be mad at him. But surprisingly, I'm not that mad. I guess I've just accepted the fact that it is how it is going to be.

I scanned the room for empty spaces and I saw a couple down in front of where Eric sat. I made my way towards there and every time I took a step, Eric's scent would hit me like a ton of bricks. Someone is going to have to explain this rejected mate thing to me. Because obviously I have no idea how it works, nor what to do with these feelings that I'm feeling.           

After I took my seat, the teacher shortly walked in and got settled at the front of the class. “Good morning everyone.” She said as she looked at the sheet of paper that lay in front of her. “It seems like we have a new student.” Yep, she’s talking about me. “Nicole, please stand up and introduce yourself.”

            I stood up from my seat and prepared to give my strongest voice. I faced the class but didn’t make eye contact with one certain soon to be Alpha. “Hi, I’m Nicole. I just moved into town. Um... that's it I guess.” I looked back at the teacher to see if she was satisfied with my introduction and she gave me a curt nod as I took my seat.

         She then proceeded to write on the board. "Physics Lab". I never liked Physics when we were learning it back in middle school. I understood Chemistry, but I never understood Physics.

“Today we will be working in partners for a lab that will need to be finished today.” Everyone groaned that there would be partners. "It's a simple Lab. First, there will be starting questions to get your brain thinking about and breathing physics, and then the two of you will perform a physics lab that I have included into the packet. It's simple really. I will do a demonstration right now."

She took to the front of the class with a yard stick and a ball. "I want you to take these two items that are needed to perform this lab and stand up as straight as you can. I want you to start off with one yard, one yard and a half, and so on, until you reach 4 yards. To capture the results, one of you are going to have to time how fast the ball falls down to the ground. I have ladders I will get in a bit for you to stand on while you complete this task."

            “Do we get to pick our partners, Mrs. Chollenar?” One kid in front of me asked.

            “Do I ever let you get to pick your partners?” Mrs. Chollenar questioned.

            “No.” The kid grumbled.

            “You know the drill. This half of the class,” she pointed, to separate left from right, “Piece of paper, write down name, and fold it up to be put into the hat. Other side, just sit tight as everyone finishes writing then you’ll be able to see who your partner is.” She instructed the class.  I was on the right side, so I didn’t have to write down my name, but Eric did.

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