Chapter Two: The Dragon

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Scorch's POV

The Dark Kingdom

I was in my human form with my hands stuffed into my pockets as I walked around the large city. The city was surrounded by The Dark Forest and it was known as The Dark Kingdom or better known to us as The Dragon Kingdom. I walked into my parent's home to sit at the table for lunch with my family since they complained I don't visit enough and well I didn't.

"Mom. Dad. Scorch." My younger sister addresses us with a bright smile plastered on her innocent face. "I found my mate." She was so happy her face glowed. I never seen her look that happy. She was sixteen so I suppose it wasn't too early an age to find your mate since it was the earliest you could. "Look, this is him." She pulled her phone out and showed us a picture of him.

When I heard her news, I lightly growled because I was protective of my sister. I was also kind of jealous because she found hers before I found mine. I'm nineteen and impatient. I've met so many female dragon shifters and none were my mate. "That's great Diamond," our mother congratulated her with a kind smile. I could tell she was worried since her daughter found her mate so soon. "When can we meet him?" she asked in her soft voice.

I got up and left into the living room before I heard Diamond's answer. I knew my mate wasn't dead I would have felt it. I mean I haven't met every female in The Dragon Kingdom. Not all of us lived in the city, some lived in the forest. To be completely honest I was giving up on ever finding her, maybe for a few hundred years anyways. I knew it was possible not to find your mate, maybe she was trapped somewhere or in a coma she would never awake from. I'm not sure if I'd even feel that.

I decided to get my mind off mates because if I didn't, I'd torture myself. I was about to leave, but my father stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder. "Scorch."

I sighed as I turned to him. "Hm Dad?" I asked while ready for a speech.

"Don't leave the Dark Forest." He warned me which was strange cause he never told me something like that before.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Elves," was his answer, but why warn me now? "They're horribly hateful creatures so don't go near them." He had a serious look on his face.

I shrugged. "Elves are weak creatures, so why would I have a reason to fear them? We could invade their land, take over and kick them out if we wanted." Maybe even kill a few. "With the small amount of us we could do that to all four of their major kingdoms."

My Father nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we have every right to, but we are still not to interact with them. You should fear what they can do in groups but mainly they are not worth our time our Queen says." The Queen had nothing but our respect. Respect didn't stop some dragon shifters from attacking trespassing elves, but it stopped most.

I shrugged slightly at his words. "They had their chance to live in peace with us. We were living in peace, but they ruined it." We did live in peace with them until one of us accidentally fell asleep while flying and crashed into their village so they stupidly though we were attacking. They put huge armies together and started murdering our people. Our numbers decreased by a lot because we were still such a new species who were still evolving. We should have wiped their entire race out, or maybe I was overreacting. Yeah, I was, but that's what they attempted to do to us. They should stay away after that kind of history.

My Father sighed. "I understand how you feel because we all feel the same way. Groups of Elves still venture into the dark forest trying to kill us. They succeeded a few times only because the few they murdered were caught off guard, and/or alone otherwise, they would have killed them all. Trust our Queen and don't get involved with such low beings."

I left the house. I'm too old for a lecture. Of all creatures elves were especially terrible since they hated, feared, and killed us for no good reason. They didn't try to communicate. No, they resorted to killing people so maybe if I decided I wanted to leave the dark forest and kill a few elves then my father's words sure as hell couldn't stop me.

I shifted into my dragon form, flew up, and out the city. I got closer to the border and landed in a cave. It was my relaxing place.

I froze once I smelled a delicious scent of vanilla laced with the smell of a freshly bloomed rose and a hint of blood. It made me shiver with pleasure. I heard a loud yelp, and the sound made a static shock in my being. I felt it coming closer and closer until the smell was driving me crazy.


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