Chapter Three: Meeting

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Carissa's POV

The Enchanted Kingdom

After we got to the stables Bailey examined me, "You look like a mess... Carissa..." She sighed in disappointment because she realized I was in the garden and it's not a princess thing to do I suppose. "Let's get you washed up first, alright? Before you start to stink."

I groaned in frustration. "Fine. As you wish Bailey." We started walking until we got to the castle's bath house. I always rather bathe here than in my own personal shower. We walked in, got undressed, and got into the water. The body wash and shampoo I used was actually made by one of our gardeners, so the smell wasn't artificial. There was actual freshly bloomed red roses mixed in.

Once we were done, I got dressed in proper riding clothes. Bailey didn't have any, so she wore her regular clothing and she borrowed one of my helmets. We walked back to the stables, and I got on my beautiful white horse I had since childhood. Bailey got on my other horse, the gorgeous brown one I had gotten from a previous birthday not too long ago.

We were racing and since I had a lot of riding lessons, I was far in front as the better rider. Plus, the horse I was riding was my racing horse. I ditched my helmet because I love the feel of the wind blowing thru my hair.

I looked down at my horse. "Come on, let us go off trail." I laughed slightly then rode my horse off the original trail because I wanted to go the long way to see if I could still beat her. Now I noticed I was close to the border, and I could see into the Dark Forest. I rode my horse in, but she threw me off. "Oof." I groaned from the fall. Unfortunately, she was scared and left without me.

I stood up slowly and started walking, of course I was a little scared. I seemed fearless since any other elf would have ran out, but I wasn't. Sometimes teens would pass the boarder with cameras and vlog. They wouldn't ever go very far, and they'd always run out. I looked to the right and the bats flew out a nearby cave and I ducked down dodge them.

I looked to the left and saw goblins glaring at me. I walked to them and pet one of their heads, it was cute in an ugly way. I yelped as it bit my hand and I pulled away. "That was not very nice at all." I felt like they were gonna attack me, so I walked away, and my hand was bleeding now.

I walk until I reached a nice cave. My eyes widened once they set on a dragon, the real thing. "Don't come any closer." He sneered yet this only caused me to take a couple more steps near the beast.

"But why? I don't understand. You don't wish to hurt me... do you?" I questioned him. The dragon roared loudly in attempt to intimidate me. Probably expected me to run but instead I let out a soft giggle. "You don't cause me any fear." I now stood in front of his large head. My heart nearly raced out my chest. I never felt something like this, so I was so anxious.

He took a couple steps back. "You know the law, elf." He huffed.

I chuckle. "I do. But you don't seem like you're one to follow the rules. I am still alive am I not?" I step forward with a smirk.

He stepped back. "I wouldn't tempt me like that if I were you..." He shook his giant head slowly as spoke.

I had let out a scoff at his words. "Tempt? Law is law I do not have to tempt you." The rule was if an elf saw a dragon in the enchanted kingdom, we would kill them on the spot. I was in the Dark Forest, so he was to kill me. I took a step closer.

He snarled. "That isn't what I meant. Now leave."

I sighed since he sounded serious. I didn't want to leave him. It was weird because I don't think I ever wanted to leave him. But I know when I wasn't not wanted so I turned around and started walking. Then I felt arms wrapped around me. I felt sparks from someone was hugging me from behind and it felt so right.

I shuffle in his arms to face him and pulled back a little to look up at him. He was gorgeous, handsome, and sexy all at once. He had long black hair that reached his shoulders at its tips. He had a defined jaw and tan skin. His light blue eyes had a hunger in them. I didn't know him, yet I felt so safe in his arms for some reason.

I snap out of my trance and pushed away from him. He looked at me with a slightly hurt expression. I realized the Dragon was gone so the man had to be him. The only species of dragons left were shifters. They could shift from a human appearing form to their dragon form. "I-I..." I didn't understand what I was feeling at all, it scared me. "I have to go..." I turn away again, but he grabbed my wrist.

"No." Fear ran through my body, but not because he's a dragon. Not fear of him at all but of his actions. Did he just tell me no?? So first he yelled at me to leave, now he won't let me. What the hell??

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