Dave Jenkins

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"What" Arnold asked, to me he looked completely stupefied. "Dad is this some kind of joke?" He was still stupefied. I took a deep breath and began to explain how all this happened. "Arnold when you where born, it was a surprise. My late wife and I had an X Ray done a year or so after Rachel was born, and we found out that you where stuck, we had to preform surgery to get you out. When you came out you seemed developed like a one year, you where on life support for a year until you learned to eat or breathe. Rachel didn't know what was going on so Linda and I sent her to your Uncles house. After a few years Rachel decided that her Uncle was her parents so we where separated. Uncle John died this year, his great Grandfather funded the franchise of Mythical park. Rachel was in charge of all the wild life but I guess something changed?" I asked. Yes indeed, he was is on a trip so I am in charge of the dragons, but your son came in to ruin the ritual now he will rise and we will fall. Yikes Arnold done messed up.

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