Power is Back On

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What am I doing here? I shouldn't be here, not yet anyway.

You go over to the door, and try to pull on the handle. The door doesn't budge. "Great."

You start banging on the door. "Get in here you demonic asshole."

You stop banging, and sit on the chair. "This makes no sense. I haven't even got a glimpse of Dark. This shouldn't be happening. Plus, my powers haven't shown up."

You sit for a while, and no one answers. You walk back to the door, and start banging again. Still no one comes.

Finally you feel yourself start to fade away.

You wake up in bed. You remember your dream. I'll have to tell Nikki about it later.

You get up and head downstairs, and see she is ready to go. You look at your cousin. "Thanks for letting us crash here."

"No prob. I went and got her car, its sitting out in the driveway."

Nikki grabs her keys and heads out. You look at Brittany. "Thanks cuz, see you later."

You head out, and get in the car. The drive home was uneventful, to the point you go into your thoughts. I still don't understand what happened. If these memories are an old life, I miss it terribly.

"I know what you mean."

You look at Nikki, confusion on your face. "I never said anything."

"Are you sure? Hmm. Guess I am just hearing things."

I then hear a voice in my head. Maybe it's just an old memory surfacing.

I gasp. "No Fucking way."

"What? What's wrong?"

"I think we just unlocked something." We got our telepathy back.

This is awesome. So what do you think about the memories?

"I am starting to believe we were sent across time. I know it wasn't us who did it. I want to know who. But until I get my most of my powers back, I can't find out what the truth is. Maybe we belong in this time."

Soon it gets dark, and you arrive at your home. Both of you are tired, so you head straight to bed. You try to use telekinesis to close the door, but it doesn't work. As you fall asleep, you dream of the room again.

This time, there is a small table with a few knives. "Man, why am I here again?"

You walk over to the door, and bang on it. "Get in here you damn demon."
You stop pounding and walk to the table.

"If he would just fucking answer." Your hands move at the last word, and a knife flies to floor. "I never touched that."

I focus on it, and it lifts to the air. You move it back to the table. As you let your power go, the door opens. You hear his voice, though the one he had when you first met. "Who the hell are you?"

He shoves you against the wall, and holds up one of the knives up to your throat. "Answer me."

"If you must know, my name is Y/N."

"What are you doing here?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I ended up here last night, but no one ever came. I just go to bed, and I end up here. Since you are here, I would assume this place belongs to you. If anyone has an idea of how I got here, it would be you."

He pulls the knife away. "I have ideas, but I need to study you. You are staying here."

You smile. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow that." You motion to the knife in his hand, and it flies out of his hand. You use you telekinesis to throw a knife from the table at him as you run out the open door. You wake up from the dream. "Just one more night, and I should have my brand back."

Dark's POV

It seems like I am getting pulled towards him. To this Y/N, whoever it may be. The tug is light, but I feel it. We camped out on a large hill, a place we can see people, should they come. I look up to the stars, gazing at their beauty.

I feel as if I was in love with someone, but who would love a demon. But the feeling is real, and I believe it is true.

My brother comes up beside me. "Don't worry Dark. We will find the one you love. Along with who sent us here. You just have to believe that we will."

"Thanks Wilfred. I just feel so lost. My life was ripped from me, and I only have a few memories."

I close my eyes and lay back. For the first night in a while, I can fall asleep.

Your POV

You get dressed, and hear the doorbell go off. You know Nikki will get it, so you don't rush down. Next thing you know, you hear her call your name. "Someone is here for you."

"Be down in a minute." You grab your cell and walk down. You walk to the living room, and you see Mark on a chair.

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