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"Roland. Where are you going?" I ask my big brother who turned ten today.

"I'm going hunting with dad" he say grabbing his bag.

"Oh. I thought you were gonna hang out with your friends" I say sad. There's no one in the pack that are my age. Only seven year olds. And they're Roland's friends I can only hangout with them if he's there.

"Not today. But you can" he smiles and kisses my cheek. "Dads waiting in the car I gotta go"

"Bye Roland" I say as he leaves the pack house.

I go out to the pool. Where Roland's friends sit.

"Hi" I say going up to them. Patty rolls her eyes

"Where's your brother?" She asks

"Um he went hunting with daddy"

"Oh really? He went hunting with daddy? Ha get out of here twerp" she says meanly.

"Oh. I was thinking I could hang out with you guys." I say looking at the ground.

"Yeah you can." Braxton. Justin and gales son says smiling at me "don't listen to crabby patty. Wanna play a game?"

"Yeah!" I say happy to accepted by the group.

"We can play baseball" he smiles

"I'm not the best at baseball" I say pushing my hair behind my ear. Nervously.

"Oh. Then what do you like to do arie?" He asks (pronounced air-e)

"I like to read" I tell him.

"Really what are you reading now?"

"I'm on the second book in the Harry Potter series. It really good. And before that I read-" I get cut off my patty

"Shut up you nerd. God your so annoying!" She yells.

My breath stops short in my chest. The light drained from my eyes as my cheeks get set ablaze. My throat tightens as I try form an argument Trying to tell her I'm not annoying. That my presence is valued, but it gets lost on my tongue. My eyes  never leave the ground.

"Be quiet party!" Braxton says. "If she tells Roland you'll be in so much trouble!"

"I won't tell" I mumble. "I'm not a snitch."

everyone else plays base ball as I sit in the dirt. Trying to understand why I'm disliked. What did I do wrong? Is it cause I talked for so long. I shouldn't have said Anything. Just kept my mouth shut.

I watch as Braxton hits the ball hard, making it fly deep into the forest.

"Nice one!" Alex gamma Adams son groans in annoyance.

"I'll get it!" I yell. If I get it. They'll like me. They'll want me around. I'm useful. I'm worth something

I run into the forest. Looking for the base ball. It takes me almost five minutes to find a tall boy, maybe 18 holding it.

He has dark black hair. Darker than daddy's hair. Really dark. Dark eyes to match. Pretty dark eyes. He has tattoos covering his arms. He's kinda scary.

"Um. I think you found my ball" I say pushing my hair in front of my face. Embarrassed to be talking to such an old boy.

"Yeah. What you gonna give me for it?" He jokes kneeling in front of me. "What's your name princesses?"

"A-Arabella." I answer sheepishly. "What's yours?"

"Jasper" he says. Kissing my small hand.

"Jesus! How long is that troll gonna take!" I hear patty yell from the pack house

"Oh. Um. I better go" I say embarrassed that he heard her call me a troll.

"Hey." He says making me look up into his eyes. "Don't listen to her. don't let her steal your courage. Some people just can't handle your heart. Don't let them take it from you" I nod my head and smile at him.

"Thank you" I whisper and take the ball back.  Then run towards the pack house to deliver it. As jasper disappears behind me. "I got it I got it!" I yell to the boys.

"Thanks arie" Braxton smiles to me.

"Your welcome"

"Took you long enough butt brains." Patty says.

"Arabella? Come in!" I hear my mom yell.

I run inside the pack house. My shoes lighting up and I run up the stairs into the living room where my mom sits petting the dog we got from my mommies friend.

"Hey ruff" I say patting his head as he licks my arm.

"You want to help me make a cake for Roland?" Mom asks

"Yeah!" I say happily.

We go into the kitchen and begin to make a chocolate cake. When grandma and grandpa walk in.

"Grandma!" I tell hugging her legs. And doing the same to grandpa.

"Hello Arabella. Tessa" she nods to my mother.

"Hello mother. How's your knee Paul?" She asks. Roland and grandpa were wrestling and he hurt his knee when Roland grabbed him.

"It's getting better. Thank you"

"Mommy? Why do you call grandpa Paul instead of dad?" I ask as I stir the batter

They all look at each other awkwardly.

"It's a long story Bella. We'll leave it at that" my mom says kissing my head

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