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I push away my brothers hug as I walk in the house. I feel terrible for rejecting Jasper, but he just went crazy on those kids. And I finally realized I don't know him, not like that. I mean this was the first time we've ever even hung out.

"Why were you out so late little bit?" Roland asks wrapping an arm around my neck as we Step into the elevator.

"I was working on some stupid project" I roll my eyes

"Ha. I'm so happy I'm out of school" he laughs

"Are you drunk?" I ask

"Just a little" he giggles


"You mad cause i didn't invite you?"

"A little" I smirk stepping out of the elevator.

"Roland?" I hear my father call from the living room.

"Yes?" He asks walking down the hall, me following.

"Good your here too. Um. Me and your mother want to talk to you" he says motion to my mother who's bun sits messy upon her head and her Silk robe wrapped around her black pajamas.

"What's up?" I ask sitting on the couch along with Roland.

"Well. Roland will be taking the alpha position. And you both should be finding your mates soon. So we decided that it would be best if we told you about how we found each other." My eyes widened my parents never told me about before I Roland was born.

"We met at alpha camp. She was the alpha of dark stone pack. It was the strongest pack in the world before we merged packs. I kept my packs name since we moved to her property".

"Mom. You were alpha?" I ask with disbelief. I mean. My mother is a strong Luna. But alpha? Women are hardly born for the position

"Yeah a fucking bad ass alpha" my dad whispers with a chuckle taking my mothers hand into his.

"I was the head of the other alphas, and I was the youngest"

"When you told me you were fifth teen I almost had a stroke" my father chuckles stroking her cheek

"What's wrong with being fifth teen" she laughs

"I was a almost eight teen year old man that had a crush on a fifth teen year old girl" he says lowly. My mother bites her lip while looking at my fathers.

"Hey now! Your children are sitting right here! And we don't want any more siblings" Roland yells snapping them out of their trance.

" anyhow. My father. Was a bad man" she says shakily "he um he didn't know I was his child until I was five, he took me into his care when I was seven, and trained me everyday, until I couldn't stand. Everyday was a living hell till I met your father." My heart breaks for my mother why hadn't she ever told us till now?

"And we don't want you to think just because you meet your mate you have to complete the process right when you meet"

"Oh my god dad!" Roland and I say in unison as we cover our ears

"What? Your mother and I didn't till a year later."

"Oh my god I'm going to kill myself" I mumble

"Okay okay okay you guys can stop over reacting your making Tess shy" my father says as my mother pouts. "We're done go to sleep its late"

"Wait!" Roland says jumping up "I have news!"

"He's drunk" my mother whispers to my father

"I went out tonight and I met a girl. Her name is Ava her favorite color is yellow and she is my mate" he announces making me and my mother jump up squealing

"Why isn't she with you? I know it's late but where is she!" I yell excited to see her.

"That's the thing. She's a human."

"Oh" I say sorry for him. She'll have to get used to all of this craziness. If she'll even stay with him after she figures out he's a werewolf. It's hard having a human mate. Then feel the connection, but not as deeply as werewolfs do. And they don't see how important mates are

"Son" my father says "let's go to your room we need to speak"

"As do we Arabella" my mother says sitting next to me.

"What is it mother?" I ask

"Well your a very special girl we all know that but you need to know just how special you are, since you will be experiencing a lot of new things at your age"

"Mom" I say stopping her "if this is the sex talk. Please don't, if I want to know anything I'll look it up on the internet"

"It's not that Arabella. Be quiet" she laughs. "I'm not going to go into it much, your supposed to figure this all out on your own but for you, you won't shift until you. Learn who you are"

"Learn who I am?" I ask confused

"I'm like you, I passed it to you which I am truly sorry for. It's brought nothing good to my life. but your on a different level than I am, which I can't exactly explain.

"What does you mean mother ? How am I different?"

"I can't tell you love. But when you find out. You can't let it take over you life " she then stands and leaves me confused and slightly afraid.

Who am I?

Does anyone want a filler chapter with Tess and Asher with possible R rated material???

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