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I trudge into class feeling like I might pass out.

After my horrible nightmare I didn't go back to sleep. So I'm  running on two hours. I sit, and lay my head down. To tired to hold it up.

"Are you okay?" I hear Jaspers voice.

"No" I yawn. My head still down

"Do you want me to get the nurse or something?" He asks sounding very genuine.

"No I'm fine." I sit up. My head spins from the blood rush so I hold it. "God I'm going to die"

"Don't say that" Jasper says seriously.

"Why?" I laugh slightly "I mean that's what happening. Each breath I take is a breath closer to my last"

"Stop princess. You will never die. Not while I'm here"

"Haha okay" I laugh "where have you been?" I ask. 

"Oh. I had to deal with some stuff" he says.

"Well, do you think we could work on that project anytime soon?"

"Yeah. Tonight after school"

"Good. I don't want to fail my last year" I tell him.

"Wait. I your a senior? I thought you were junior?"

"Oh haha no, I supposed to be but I got pushed up a year" I say. Do I really look that young?

"You don't look that young. It's just I saw you lasted year in the sophomore class."

"Oh" I reply. I didn't know he'd seen me before.

"So how did you do without me?" He asks

"Fine. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself" I laugh

"Oh I know princess, but did you miss me?" He asks

"Not really" I lie "I'm used to being alone."

"Oh. Well I missed you" he says.

"Oh really" I laugh "I'm shocked"


"No one misses me. I'm Arabella"

"Okay? Arabella's are pretty cool" he says making me laugh

"We'll do you mind informing the school? I don't think they've gotten the memo"

"The only reason they're such assholes is because your Cooler than all of them, and they don't want you to know"

"Good conspiracy theory" I laugh as the bell rings.

"I'll see you tonight princess" Jasper says standing, and walking out of class

"Well honestly I think people are ass holes and don't deserve to be treated with respect" Jasper says as stop at a red light.

"Well I mean, maybe they don't mean it. It's a tuff world and if your mean, a lot of people will be to scared to be mean back." I say. "And plus. You were never mean to me"

"Oh because your like, a kitten, you can't kick a kitten." He says

"Well kitty's got claws" I laugh

We continue to talk until we pull up to giant gates Jasper sticks his hand out and puts it to a key pad which opens the gate

We drive pass a bunch of matching houses that look very old, yet classy till we get to a giant building-that looks much like a castle- with a large stair case leading to huge double doors. It's at least three story's. This can't be his house. But he pulls into the garage connected to the giant building.

"Come on princess" Jasper says opening the car door for me.

We walk though a door into a large living room, with dark hardwood floors, a giant fire place and staircase, and tons of large paintings on the wall of people.

We walk up a huge staircase to the top floor which has a small kitchen and living room along with bedrooms. Two people stand in the kitchen with white granite countertops.

The woman has black hair cut in a short bob, she looks like she's on her 30s and stands next to a tall man with brown hair cut short. They both have brown eyes.

"Who's this Jasper?" The man asks stepping towards me. Jasper grabs my hand tugging me towards him.

"This is Arabella" he says Sternly. "She's from school" they both stare me down. I feel very uncomfortable and look at the hem of my shirt as I rap my fingers in it.

"We'll talk about this later" his mother says and he tugs me away

We go into what I assume is his room, which has white walls, a huge black bed, with a giant window behind. a tv and two other doors I drop by bag by the door.

"You'll have to excuse my parents, I don't usually have visitors"

"Oh. It's fine." I say "so. This project?" I ask

"Oh yeah. Sit please" he says motioning to his bed. I sit after taking out prints of the play.

"So where do we start?" I ask

"Uh. With a break?" He laughs

"Let's at least do a little" I say grabbing the only part of 'Romeo and Juliet' I know "do you know any of this? I can hardly read it"

"Did my heart love till now?" He quotes "forswear it sight; for I ne'er saw true beauty till this night"


"Who the hell knows. That whole time was crazy" he laughs.

"You say it like you've been there" he shrugs and we get to work.

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