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Arabella now^^

11 years later.

I saw jasper a lot after that. Standing in the Forest. We never talked agin. But I'd wave and smile. And he'd do the same. But as I got older I saw less and less of him. Until not at all. I forgot about jasper. Just as I forgot about his kind words.

"Roland. Would you please hurry. I don't want to be late today" I yell to my big brother.

"I'm coming arie chill" he says walking down the stairs.

He's much bigger now. Almost as tall as my father. He looks much like him. Everything matches my father but the eyes, that he got from my mother.

Although Roland no longer attends school-He graduated two years ago- On the first day of school he drives me since I don't own a car. I can drive. But I enjoys to walk. Plus if I got a car. People would make fun of me.

I should be in the junior class but I study over holiday and have been pushed into the senior class. With the kids that don't like me.

Not that many people like me. My best friend is Lilly. But she lives in California. She's alpha trents daughter. We spent a summer together. And have been best friends since. Although we only talk over the phone.

I jump in the car. Straightening my Flannel. And pulling on my timberlands. We drive to my personal hell. Roland drops me off with a big grin. Wishes me good luck and drives off.

But he doesn't know.

He doesn't know how mean everyone is to me. I don't even know why. I've never done anything to them. Around Roland people are sweet as strawberries. Since he's almost alpha. And he loves me. He'd go crazy if he heard what they said to me. But when he leaves. They turn sour. And try their hardest to tear me down.

I don't hate them. I don't hate anyone. They have their reasons to be mean. I'm not going to be mean back, or tell on them. Because that would cause more problems.

I quickly go to my locker. Putting away my backpack and grabbing what I need for my first class. English.

As I walk to class. I get glares form girls who hate me. Lustful glances from prevented boys and two friendly grins from Braxton and Alex. The only other people that are nice to me. And when they're near other are as well.

I make it to make class in one piece, with out one hatful comment. Which is uncommon.

"Name?" My teacher asks

"Oh. Um Arabella Jameson." I say shyly.

"Your in seat six. Next to jasper Collins."

"Okay. Thank you" I half whisper. And go to my seat.

I sit down. Not even glancing at my neighbor. My heart is pounding in my chest as I feel his eyes on me.

"I'm jasper" the boy says and I swear my whole body is going to swell from butterflies.

"Oh. Um hi I'm Arabella." I half smile at the boy.

I was nervous before. When I knew I had to talk to a person I didn't know. Or a person period. But now. Looking at his face. I'm sure I'll die this second. His slight smile gives me goose bumps, tattoos run along his arms, his bushy eyebrows furrowed as his brown eyes pierce into my soul. Seeing every fiber of my being.

I feel like I'm on fire.

"How are you?" He asks. He sounds like he's in pain as he does. Is it that hard to speak to me?

"I'm fine." I lie "and you?"

"I guess since your lying I will as well. I'm fine." He says making me smile. "There's a smile" he says victoriously as blood rushes into my cheeks.

"You look familiar." I say

"I've gone here for a few years. You've probably seen me around here" he says.

"Oh. Yeah." I say feeling stupid for saying that.

"You read often?" He asks pointing to my Stephen King book that sits on top my note book

"Oh. Ha yeah" I say pushing my hair behind my ear.

"What's it about?" He asks.

"Um well it's about these kids join this weird kinda game thing that's totally sadistic. Where they walk down a road and if they stop they get shot, and to win they have to be the last standing, but there are two characters, garity and-" I stop. He's staring straight into my eyes. Not even listening to my words. Just looking at me. Making fun of me. Like everyone else. "Sorry." I mumble.

"Wait what? Why?" He asks. A little mad.

"Sorry jazzy. She's a little slow. She doesn't know when to shut her mouth" patty says from the table behind me I look down at my hands. Another person that's going to think I'm just dumb.

"Shut up patty" he says "if anyone's slow. It's you. Sit your ass back down" he grumbles. she frowns and sits.

"Of course jazzy. Anything for you"

"Don't listen to her. She just puts people down because her foundation doesn't match her neck."

"A boy that knows makeup. Wow jazzy."

"Hey don't call me that" he half smiles.

"Why you don't like jazzy?"

"I'm not a cat" he grumbles.

"Then jaz"


"Jaz it is!"

"Oh my god fine princess"

"Don't call me that" I say lowly

"Princess it is" he smiles

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