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Jasper pov.

I'll admit. I was afraid to love. Not just to love. But to love her. For she's a stunning mystery. She carried things deep inside her that no one has yet to understand and I was afraid to fall, like all the others.

She was the ocean and I was just a boy who loved the waves but was completely terrified to swim.

I look at her as she taps her pin against the table. Memorizing the lines in the play. As I memorize the way her eyebrows crinkle up when she concentrates.  She glances up to me, blushes slightly. And looks back down.

"Food break?" I ask

"Do you even eat food?" Arabella asks me.

"It's more for fun than actually a need." I laugh.

"What's up with the bed? Do you sleep?"

"Again. It's for fun rather than a need" I say then realize that sounds a little inappropriate. Not that that's not another reason I have this bed.

It's true that I've bedded many fine women-I've been alive for 2,000 years- but since I met Tess at school. I haven't even thought about any other girl

I have to have her. I have waited so long.

"I want you to be my girlfriend" I say rapidly without much thought. I don't show my embarrassment.

"You want. Me?" She asks as if it was strange.

"Yes" I reply. "I know we've only know each other for a couple months. But. I have a deep interest in you"

"I would love to be your girlfriend" she says back

We sat there, starring at each other. saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything. I slowly lean into her and lightly pecking her lips. Which are so soft and taste of Cotton candy.

'Strawberry' I hear Arabella faintly think

"Oh it's chap stick" she raises her eyebrows at me "what? It's getting cold my lips get chapped too"

"How did you know I was thinking that?" she asks eyes wide.

"I'm a vampire. I can read your mind"


"Not everyone can do it. Just the decedents. I can hear your thoughts but not very well"

"Why?" She asks "and what are descendants?"

"I don't know your different. And it's the equivalent to being an alpha"

'Oh' she mouths

"Come on love. Let's get food"

"K" she giggles standing up and following me out of my home.

We get in the car and pull out of the driveway.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask

"I dunno. Where do you wanna go?"

"Let's go to Waffle House. You know since its midnight"

"Great I idea" she laughs her beautiful melodic laugh

We pull up to Waffle House and go inside he brightly lit restaurant.

"Oh it's cold, do you mind if I go get my jacket? I left it in your car"

"Oh yeah. I'll get us seats, here are the keys" I say handing her my keys.

I sit in a booth in corner, and look over the menu

"What can I get you to drink sweetie?" A older lady with thin white hair asks

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