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I wake up and tug on my running shoes. Then tip toe out of my room. Making sure not to wake anyone up. My parents don't like when I go running.

Or doing anything to make myself stronger. They don't want me to be to aggressive. I don't know why, Roland works out all the time.

But I go at four in the morning. I don't know why but I like working out. I fell stronger. Better.

I feel like me.

As I glide through the trees I swear I see someone hiding behind the trees. Which makes me stop.

"Hello?" I ask to the figure that vanishes as I speak. "Probably nothing" I whisper to myself and continue my run.

I see the figure twice more which is when I get really scared and start to run back home.

My feet pound on to the dirt as I sprint back. Scared. The figure appears closer and closer as I get towards the pack house.

But I don't make it to the pack house. Because I run into a brick wall and fall flat on my ass.

"Oh honey are you okay?" Not a brick wall my father. With my mother

"Yeah" I brush the hair out of my face

"What're you doing out here?" My mom questions.

"I could ask the same of you" I say to her

"Me and your father Are running. We do every morning."

"I'm running as well" I say picking myself off the ground. "Was that you guys in the trees?" I ask.

"What? We've stuck to the path. What did you see in the trees?" My father asks

"Oh. Nothing. I'm just being paranoid" I laugh as my Mother looks at my father with a scared expression

"Go back to the house love. You have school in an hour." Mom says.

"Ugh can I not go? I've been there a month now. Isn't that enough?"

" not yet go get dressed babe" mom says kissing my cheek running off.

I look back at the figure in the trees. That stands there staring at me.then walk inside.

I take a quick shower and put on a t-shirt and leggings. To tired to try to look decent. I look out side and watch as rain pours from the ski, as it Mourns this Monday morning.

I groan and run outside into the mess getting into Roland's car.

"You look like your having a good day" jasper says as I sit down.

"Yep it's been wonderful" I say sarcastically. When I walked in from the rain I slipped and fell in front of everyone. Patty made sure to make a thousand jokes about it.

"Class. I'm going to assign group project"

"Ugh" I groan along with the rest of the class.

This is how group projects go. We figure out who's doing what. And then you do your stuff and the other person assumes that you will do all of it even though you specifically said they'd do it. Then you go down a letter grade in the class.

"It'll be over Shakespeare's plays. You will be acting them out, and instead of saying 'how arth thou' you'll Change it into more modern words. Laura, Jamie, yours will be over hamlet, patty Riley, you'll have Macbeth, Arabella and jasper, Romeo and Juliet-" he continues as I look at Jasper

"So you'll be Romeo I'll be Juliet?" Jasper asks

"I mean obviously " I laugh at him

"So when are you gonna finish the project?" He asks "you want me to do it too?" He fakes a shocked expression. "Well who do you take me for princess?" I arch my eyebrow at him. "Okay finnneeee I'll help" he groans. "Your lucky I like your ass" I try to hide my blush.

"So. When will we get together?"

"You have a car?" He asks


"Well then I guess I'll be picking you up princess. " I roll my eyes.


"Ummmmm tonight. I'll get you from your house and we can go to mine and work on it.... Or watch tv and play video games." He sends me a crooked grin.

"I'll take the latter" I laugh.

"A date it is"

"A study date"

"Okay we'll have a date date on a later date"

"What?" I giggle

"Oh my god could you please stop being such a hoe?" Patty says from behind me I look at my hands. Feeling stupid for talking so much

"Please shut your big mouth party" Jasper says.

"Oh i think you'll like my mouth when it's open." She whispers into his ear. I feel my stomach drop. How can she freely talk to him like that?

"How can you call anyone a hoe patty?" He asks she stays quite. But keep the smirk on her face.

I try not to look at Jasper. I'm so Embarrassed.

But he puts his hands on mine. And I feel a little better.

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