A Great Event has come to all those who find thrill in VR gaming. The Sci Fi Connect Tournament. A Tournament between the greatest VR Sci Fi games of all time.
And there is a prize in this game.. a prize unlike any anybody has ever known.
A Swor...
The Real Joy Buzzer sat on a throne at the main boss room at the top of the event tower..
Now, the Event bosses were high level difficulty bosses which paid homage to other famous fantasy games that no longer existed or were now a decent VR franchise.
For example, last week's event boss, was Yhorm the Giant from the Dark Souls franchise, who, unfortunately couldn't even be beaten by Kirito or other strong players like Sumeragi and Railgun, or some of the lesser known high powered players like Rain and Philia (whom is Mikoto's seamstress and forges her armor.)
Event bosses dropped high powered weapons and armor, and were from games which were famous for the impact they had on their game company's history. This week's event boss was supposed to be Volga from Hyrule Warriors, a Dynasty Warriors version of the Legend of Zelda, and Volga was an alternate version of Volvagia, a boss from Ocarina of Time (and a quest boss in Hyrule Online, which Kirito, Linkle, Mikoto, and Klein took on together.)
However, somebody else was currently controlling this world.
Kishishishishishi!!!" A tall dark figure laughed as Joy Buzzer twiddled her fingers boredly. "Hey Joy Buzzer! You think these idiots are even worth messing with? We could just use all their shadows to create my extra special General Zombies! And then we'd be unstoppable!!!"
"EHEH! That's tempting Iguana Mordor!" said Joy Buzzer. "But I've got other plans that are way spunkier than that!"
"It's GEKKO MORIAH!!!" The figure growled irritably as he stepped out of the shadows.
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Gekko Moriah was a giant of a creature. Being a fat humanoid wearing a Halloween style suit and gloves, and a strange neck that merged with his head.. He was massive, being over 20 feet tall, and pale skinned, with a sinister fanged grin and horns on his head.
"So I'll ask again! Kishishishi!!" Moriah cackled. "WHAT are we going to do about them!?"
"It doesn't matter what we do.." said a electronically distorted voice. "As long as you hold up my end of the bargain Joy Buzzer.
"Freezo ol' chap!" Joy Buzzer said. "Come on.. no need to be so.. COLD.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What a groaner.."
Mr. Freeze, a man in a large power suit and domed helmet, filled with cryogenic power.. walked out and glared at Joy Buzzer.
"I have your word? Nora will be cured?"
"YEESH!" Moriah said. "You crybaby!!! I should just revive your stupid wife as a precious zombie!! That way she'll never die! Kishihihihi!!"
"You will grant her no such hollow life!!" Freeze exclaimed. "Maltraunt! Surely you can see the folly in this freak of nature's words!!"
Maltraunt, a strange gray looking biomechanical alien, that almost bore the appearance of a clock, with red eyes and an energy panel on his torso filled with clock gears, turned for a minute, staring at Moriah and Freeze, than turned away. "Shut up, and leave me alone."